A completely new work 'Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus' depicting the past of the Sinnoh region is announced

In ' Pokémon Presents 2021.2.27 ', 'Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus ', which is a new challenge of the Pokemon series, was announced. Game Freak is in charge of development.

[Official] Pokémon Presents 2021.2.27 --YouTube

In addition, 'Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus' was announced, which challenges a completely new attempt that was not in the previous Pokemon series, which depicts the story of the Sinnoh region long ago.

While moving around the open world like an action game, you can get Pokemon and battle ... It seems to be an unprecedented game. The story is set in the Sinnoh region, which was also the stage for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, but you can now meet different Pokemon from the previous Sinnoh region.

Partner Pokemon are Hino Arashi, the three families of gold and silver, Mijumaru, the three families of black and white, and Rowlet, the three families of Sun Moon. Pokemon that first appeared in different regions have been adopted for the first three.

The costumes of the main characters look like this, and you can feel the Japanese taste.

The game screen looks like this. When getting Pokemon, it will be an action game-like operation of quietly approaching Pokemon and throwing a monster ball, but it seems that it will be a command battle like the previous series at the time of battle. In addition, it seems that it will be a story of a long time ago, but it seems that there was a monster ball from this era.

'Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus' will be released in early 2022.

You can check the first public video of 'Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus' that was played in Pokémon Presents 2021.2.27 from the following.

[Official] 'Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus' premiere video --YouTube

in Video,   Game, Posted by logu_ii