I've eaten "Denny's Cheese Taccarbie", a sauce blended with four different cheeses chilling chilly chilly

It is one of Korean cuisineTakkarubiIsIt is elected No. 1 in 2017 "Food Trend Grand Prize" hosted by CookpadAlthough it is a topic of the menu now, Denny's starts offering this cheese taccarbie as "Denny's Cheese Taccarbie" from Tuesday, November 28, 2017. I actually tried to eat what kind of taste it is with Denny's style Cheese Taccarbie.

New Menu in Winter | Denny's

Denny's style Cheese Taccarbie | Denny's

Arrived at Denny's. A handwritten pop of "Denny's Style Cheese Taccarbie" appeared outstandingly in front of the store entrance.

Arrived at the guided seat, ordered E set (1564 yen including tax) with rice and salad.

After about ten minutes I was brought to my seat.

I am eyeed by chicken and eggplant that is baked on steel plate.

It is a Korean-style rice cake topgogi that is attached to the side.

Cheese sauce is blending 4 kinds of cheese.

First of all I will eat without cheese sauce. When I try to eat a bite, the beginning was not painful, but after a long absence of spicyness will come. However, it is about a spicy spicy, and even people who are not good at hot things are likely to eat enough.

Topgogi is chewy and has elasticity, it is often associated with sluggish effect.

Below the egg is Korean spicy miso pepper paste was served.

Dense thick spicy sauce also goes well with white rice.

I will try applying cheese sauce next time. I was asked to stir the cheese sauce well before eating, so I will stir it firmly with chopsticks.

Plenty of this cheese sauce over the whole chicken ......

I will try to eat it with chicken. While the cheese sauce has richness, its habit is not strong, it makes a pleasantly mellow taste of thick sauce, which is quite ants.

"Denny's style Cheese Taccarbie" will be offered at Denny's nationwide store, with a single item of 1078 yen including tax, E-set with rice and salad, 1564 yen including tax from November 28, 2017.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1i_yk