I tried to taste the marbling of "Spice Kitchen Pakistist Chicken For Soup" which even seemed to be a partner like Pakuchi no longer

In the mind that I heard that the popularity of Pakuti boom which has been increasing recently, "I got to be able to eat Pakuchi in the unexpected!" Seems to be increasing, from Nissin to Pakuchi's favorite "Pakistist" Products targeted "Spice kitchen Pakisto chicken for soup"Will appear on Monday, June 19, 2017. I tried to taste it because I was able to get ahead of what the finished new menu with a feeling that I felt like Pakuchi as a name.

"Spice Kitchen Pakistist Chicken For Soup" (released on June 19) | Nissin Food Group

Package that is covered with bakuchi. People who are not good at bakuchi are "toe", on the contrary those who like bakuchi are "kitakore!" It is designed to be expensive.

I used a chicken soup for soup and it seems to have been finished in a soup of refreshing taste.

Rice noodles with rice flour are used as raw materials because they are products using "Four". Frozen sauce, red peppers, Gokako etc, ethnic-feeling raw materials are used for "soup filled soup". And, of course, the name "Pakuchi" is stated firmly in "Kayaku".

Way to make first hot water and quickly enter soup, wait 3 minutes, finally put in a parchi completed. Energy per meal is 81 kcal, calorie discreet, sodium chloride equivalent is 1.8 g and healthy here.

In the cup, it quickly enters soup and something, and rice noodles are contained.

Rice noodles are flat noodles and have an atmosphere that seems to be a crispy texture when returned with hot water.

First of all, quickly enter soup. At this point, there is a unique scent that seems to be saying "Ah ... ... Ethnic!" Without thinking.

Wait for 3 minutes with hot water.

I observed Pakuchi while waiting for 3 minutes. It is a freeze-dried type, and at this point I can not feel the fragrance which seems to be so much crispy.

However, once you put it in soup, the situation has changed completely. The aroma of bad mouth was fluffy fluffily.

Stir after stirring. The fresh scent of pakuchi stimulates the nose with steam.

Squatting the forgings with Pukchi together with the shoes, you can feel the flavor of Pakuchi's "that" scent sweeping down and taste like "Oh ~ this is authentic". Ethnic fragrance has drifted in chicken and soup has unexpected red peppers, but it is a good level to meet Pakuchi's strong personality. And, the soft umami of chicken pork serves as the bottom of the taste, and the personality of bakuchi and chili peppers on soup, finished in a taste embracing such a three-dimensional and vivid impression.

There was also a flavored chicken that makes you feel a firm flavor while being small, and you never felt a lack of response to eating. When I asked the editorial staff who liked Pakuchi, I talked about taste impression, "I go to eat at a specialty shop and have the same taste as when I put all the seasonings on the table," and in summary "real It is a pattern with a good impression that "it has become a characteristic taste." Meanwhile, I was talking "I would like to eat even thicker beef bone soup", so I'd like to expect that a sequel will appear around here.

"Spice Kitchen Pakistist Chicken For Soup" will be released across the country from June 19, 2017 (Monday), with a suggested retail price of 170 yen (excluding tax).

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log