The world's largest design & art community "DeviantArt" will be acquired for about 4 billion yen

Drag and drop to create website "Wix」, The world's largest design & art community which can share art related works and tools such as cosplay photograph · business card design · books with beautiful breasts cut out on leather cover · Photoshop brush set · RPG like weapon "DeviantArt"We have found that we have acquired.

DeviantArt and Wix: With a Kindred Spirit by spyed on DeviantArt

Website builder Wix acquires art community DeviantArt for $ 36 M | TechCrunch

DeviantArt is a platform on which individuals can publish various art works & tools. Besides photographic works, illustrations, three-dimensional objects are also included in the work, which also includes primary creation and secondary creation.

DeviantArt - The largest online art gallery and community

About the works released at DeviantArt, GIGAZINE has posted articles in the past, and the chest that was opened up to the chest is a leather cover book ... ....

An artistic book engraved on a leather cover by a young man whose breast has been opened "Anatomia Humani Corporis" - GIGAZINE

Composing material photos and completing fan art of Disney animation and Japanese games

Photo book synthesizing several pieces of photographic material and making manga and animation live-action images - GIGAZINE

Cosplay photos ......

High Quality Cosplay Photo Summary Beginning from the World of Final Fantasy Summary - GIGAZINE

There were also Photoshop brush set etc.

Brush set "BRUSH SET" to power up free downloadable Photoshop - GIGAZINE

DeviantArt was established in 2000 by collecting 13.5 million dollars (about 1.5 billion yen) from companies including Autodesk. Investment in advertising and marketing was hardly done, and the site grew only by word of mouth.About pageAccording to 2017, the number of registered members as of 2017 has reached 38 million, and 160,000 original works are uploaded every day, and a total of 325 million original works are released.

According to TechCrunch of news media, the purchase amount is 36 million dollars (about 4,045 million yen). DeviantArt will continue to exist independently after being acquired, but Wix said he is planning several plans using DeviantArt to boost its business.

For example, users of DeviantArt will be able to use Wix tools such as e-commerce as well as online exhibition sites. It also shows how DeviantArt's repositories and artists communities will be deployed on the Wix platform. This makes it easier for people using websites at Wix to access the materials and tools exposed on DeviantArt. Also planning to make DeviantArt's desktop application · mobile application by this acquisition is planned to move forward.

Avixai Abrahami, co-founder of Wix, said: "DeviantArt has built a passionate community that creates wonderful art and design regularly and surprisingly sincerely in 16 years' We understand their passion, share a creative vision, I am looking forward to being able to provide the power of the Wix platform to millions of artists. "

Mr. Angelo Sotira, CEO and co-founder of DeviantArt, plans to join Wix's management team and other employees will also work at Wix, but the base will remain unchanged in Los Angeles.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log