Russia decides to join the "Hyperloop" plan for ultra high-speed mobile body, and President Putin is motivated?

ByGlobal Panorama

Founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceXEarlon maskHigh speed moving body that runs at a speed of over 1000 kilometers per hour in the very low pressure tube proposed by "Hyperloop (hyper loop)Russia is interested in the project. Russia seems to aim to utilize Hyperloop for logistics rather than people movement.

Putin Jumps Into the Race to Build a Hyperloop - Bloomberg

There are several organizations that develop Hyperloop, but in particular after completing a running test in the desert, they are about to start running tests in low-pressure tubesHyperloop OneIs expected as the most prominent of Hyperloop realization.

It is known that the Hyperloop One has been invested in Russia from the inception of the Hyperloop One, so far more than R $ 100 million (about 10.6 billion yen)Summa groupIt is believed to have been provided by Mr. Joututzin Magomedov.

At the St. Petersburg International Forum held in Russia in June 2016, accompanied by Mr. Magomedov, in order to connect Summa Port in the city of Zarubino in Russian Far East with Jilin Province in Hyperloop by the beginning of 2020 We have concluded an agreement with Hyperloop One to provide 30 billion loops (about 49 billion yen) of funds. Hyperloop One's blues appin, vice president, "RussiaSputnik 1We launched the satellite for the first time in the world, but it may be the case with the ultra high-speed railway. "

The aim of Russia to participate in the Hyperloop initiative is believed to be high speed transportation of goods rather than ultra high speed transportation of people. In recent years, Russia, which is struggling economically due to the collapse of oil prices and friction with the EU due to the Ukraine problem, is rapidly strengthening ties with China. However, since the average speed of freight trains used in trade with China is only 16 kilometers per hour, we believe that this transportation rate is greatly enhanced by the Hyperloop plan, so that economic merit is great .

Russian President Dmitry Peskov spokesman President Putin met with Hyperloop One 's leaders at the St. Petersburg International Forum, saying, "The President expressed a strong interest in the Hyperloop project and promised support for it," It is.

The Hyperloop One camp scheduled to run in the low-pressure tube in January 2017 also enters a new development phase to finally put into practical use in 2020 if it succeeds in the tube running test, and further development funds Is required. It seems likely that Russian capital will be responsible for this financing.

in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log