Next generation high speed transportation system "Hyper Loop" of 1200 km / h will carry out the first full-size vehicle running test

Entrepreneur Mr. Eilon Mask advocated a test truck of the "Hyper Loop" concept developed by the two companies was built in Las Vegas in the US, and also used a vehicle of the actual size during the first half of 2017 A plan to start the test run was announced.

Hyperloop One plans full test at North Las Vegas site | Las Vegas Review-Journal

America's First Full-Scale Hyperloop Test Is Happening in Las Vegas | Motherboard

Nick Earl senior vice president of Hyperloop One, who is developing a hyperloop system, built a test truck with a length of 500 meters on Apex located in the northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada on January 3, 2017 And announced its prospect of starting the test run within 3 months. Mr. Ear said on the prospect of the test plan, "The car actually rises, speeds up and slows down, and in the coming months it will extend the distance traveled to several kilometers and test it." It is.

According to the explanation, the company said that it incorporates a mechanism to run hyperloop by combining four technologies in its own way. Mr. Earle said, "Make a car that can run automatically, put it in a tubular tube, remove air from the tube, use a linear motor using an electromagnet and a passive electromagnetic levitation mechanism, We will be traveling at high speed through the tubes arranged by them. "

The "passive type electromagnetic levitation mechanism" mentioned here refers to a mechanism that can drastically reduce electric power by placing the magnet in a special arrangement "Hullback Array". The "linear motor car concept" that Japan is developing is developing a mechanism to generate levitation power by permanent magnets using liquid nitrogen and the like, but this method is considered to require a large amount of electric power However, if it is a floating system using the Hullback arrangement, it is thought that levitation force can be obtained by simply running the car body at high speed, and it is possible to reduce the electric power considerably and reduce the cost and freight accompanying it It is considered to be. Details can be grasped by looking at the following article.

"Hyper Loop Concept" running at 1,200 km / h goes a step forward, and that mechanism plays the role of arranging the magnets side by side in a special "Hullback Array" Ali - GIGAZINE

It is not proven that this system will actually function adequately at the present stage, as the running by actual vehicle has not started. But Mr. Ear talks about the magnitude of expectation that "once the usefulness of this system is proved, construction costs will be reduced to about half".

The company is planning to proceed with development aiming to realize cargo hyper loop in 2020. The company has been proceeding with the construction of test facilities since the beginning of 2016, and seems to have reached the stage where a specific exam is finally started.

Hyperloop test tube for 1000 kilometers over the next generation will be built in the desert - GIGAZINE

In addition, at the technology trade fair "CES 2017" held in January 2017, Hyperloop One announces a list of candidate destinations in the world that are being raised for running tests.

Super fast transportation system "Hyper Loop", 5 candidate destinations published test photos International News: AFPBB News

Among the 35 remaining candidate sites remaining in the United States are 11 other locations in the United States, Australia's Sydney - Melbourne, China's Shanghai - Hangzhou, India's Mumbai (Mumbai) - Delhi, London in the UK - Edinburgh etc are listed.

in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log