I tried drinking "T's Honey Nut Latte" which was the highest peak in the drink of Tully's invented by barista

Every year at Tully's coffeeVarista contestTory's coffee shop clerks at about 600 stores hold competitions competing for barista technology and customer service, for example. Among them, there is a Best Signature Drink Award that competes for original drinks invented by Tully's Varista, but in the 2015 event we received the award "T's Honey Nut Latte"Is on sale at all Tully's Coffee shops from Wednesday, February 17, 2016. It is a drink that was invented under the idea of ​​"I want to convey the wonderfulness of espresso more!", So I tried to see what it is actually like to taste.

Company Information | Press Release (2016/2/8) | TULLY'S COFFEE

Product Information | Espresso Beverages | T's Honey Nut Latte | TULLY'S COFFEE

Product Information | Espresso Beverages | Almond Praline Soilate | TULLY'S COFFEE

Tully's coffee found a sign of "T's Honey Nut Latte" and "Almond Praline Soilate" for a limited time. Almond Praline Soilate is a drink that received the Best Signature Drink Award in 2014,Just a year ago reviewA reprint version of what you did is appearing for a limited time.

That's why I ordered it immediately. Both of them can choose hot and cold, but this time we chose hot.

Taking the top cover will look like this. The left is almond praline soyrate and right is T's honey nut latte. T's Honey Nut Latte is full of cream.

Since soymilk is used for almond praline soyrate, a seal written as "SOY MILK" on the side of the cup is attached.

I ordered both drinks at Tall. This is about the size of the cup compared with the iPhone 6.

So, let's drink T's Honey Nut Latte at once. T's Honey Nut Latte toppings plenty of whipped cream in the coffee latte topped with specialty Honey Orange Sauce, Pistachio Cashew Nuts Hazelnut, and further hidden taste Orange Peel, and from a translucent orange sauce that certainly smells fragrant You can feel the fruity aroma of oranges. Caffe latte is modest and very easy to drink, and it gradually changes to a sweet and mellow taste gradually as plenty of whipped cream melts with heat.

Good mellow taste of caffe latte, fruity sweetness of honey orange sauce, and refreshing aroma of strong orange peel are better than imagined. Since you can hardly feel bitterness from coffee latte, even people who do not like coffee are willing to drink easily.

Almond praline soyrate is a drink that seems to be drink using soy milk and exquisite drink with rich aroma of almonds. Maple is plentifully topped so you can enjoy a unique flavor that is not overwhelming almonds.

In addition, "T's Honey Nut Latte" is 460 yen including tax, Toll 510 yen including tax, Grande 560 yen including tax, Enorme 610 yen including tax. "Almond Praline Soilate" is short for 440 yen including tax, Toll 490 yen for tax, Grande for 540 yen including tax, Enorme for 590 yen including tax. Both of them are provided with ice only.

in Tasting, Posted by logu_ii