"Vacuum cleaner industry second Volkswagen" and Dyson complain of other companies 'other companies' Bosch and Siemens corruption

ByRobert Scarth

UK household appliance manufacturer selling cyclone type vacuum cleanerDysonBut against Bosch and Siemens, competing household appliance makers, "The vacuum cleaners of both companies consume twice as much power as the test published value", and litiged the company as misleading consumers . Dyson criticized in the statement "It is the same kind as the Volkswagen scandal."

Bosch and Siemens misleading customers over efficiency ratings, claims Dyson | Environment | The Guardian

James Dyson accuses Bosch of cheating 'like Volkswagen' - Telegraph

According to the appeal, Dyson measured the amount of electricity consumption in an environment reproducing the actual use situation by asking an independent measuring institution. According to the measurement result, it turned out that the fact that both Bosch Siemens vacuum cleaners sometimes consume more than twice as much power as the published value. Power consumption of both companies vacuum cleaner750 wattsAlthough it states that it is actually pointed out that there are cases that consume 1600 watts of electricity.

Dyson points out "Karakuri" that both companies vacuum cleaners have a built-in sensor to detect the amount of garbage, boost the power when the dirt gathers and the suction power of the vacuum cleaner drops It is to keep the original suction power. The model pointed out is a model called "Siemens" Q 8.0 "and Bosch" GL 80 / In 'Genius ProPerform ", both of which have received" AAAA "performance evaluation, but if the action is true Evaluation will be expected to plummet to "E" or "F".

Dyson has criticized both companies as "to believe in the performance evaluation of" AAAA "which is a product phrase of the product and mislead consumers to purchase," for Siemens against Germany and Belgium against Bosch It has announced that they filed an action in France and Belgium respectively.

He is the founder of DysonJames Dyson"Bosch cheats the energy level set by the EU by installing a control device that improperly increases the amount of energy consumption in the actual usage situation to some of its products.This action is aimed at the occurrence of Volkswagen It is similar to the scandal, "he stressed the seriousness of the thing that caught the world scandal.

In addition, Mr. Dyson said, "Instead of generating superior and efficient technology in this industry, engineering is spreading according to the circumstances of the manufacturer to clear the test," accusing the industry's attitude Has been announced.

For Dyson's action, Bosch completely denies the complaint. BSH Home Appliances, which has Bosch and Siemens affiliated, announced the statement, "All vacuum cleaners sold by Bosch and Siemens are measured based on energy regulations determined by the EU The performance of equipment at home is It is consistent with the performance result at the measuring institution and the proposal against this is extremely misleading, "he insists that Dyson's appeal is unfair.

Furthermore, Bosch refutes from a straight line that "Dyson's assertion is unintelligible and I completely deny it." The company emphasizes that it is an evaluation that conforms to the standard as "It discloses all the energy evaluation results and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaner".

In this lawsuit, we show the aspect that both sides' confrontations are in confrontation from a straight line. Even in Volkswagen's case, the fact that the existence of malicious software "Exhaust Gas Test Special" is a problem is also a matter of concern for the litigation. Prior to this case, Dyson had announced an action saying that German consumer electronics manufacturers are twisting energy assessment systems conveniently with their influence as the shield.

James Dyson suggests leaving the EU over vacuum cleaners - Telegraph

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