Mercedes · BMW · Peugeot pointed out that the actual fuel efficiency is 50% lower than the published value

Volkswagen's NOx regulation evasion software problemIt is pointed out that for European cars whose reliability is fluctuating, the performance is actually worse by 50% than actually published fuel consumption.

Some Mercedes, BMW and Peugeot models consuming around 50% more fuel than official results, new study reveals | Transport & amp; Environment

Nonprofit organization tackling European transportation environmental problemsTransport & Environment (T & E)Tested the world's major cars, measured the fuel consumption during actual driving, and investigated how much deviation from the fuel efficiency published by the manufacturer is. Then, it is found that there is a deviation of not less than 50% between measured values ​​and published values ​​in Mercedes Benz A class, C class, E class. Furthermore, the BMW 5 series, Peugeot 308, etc. turned out to have a deviation of 40% or more.

Volkswagen's main car golf also has a deviation of about 40%, the BMW 3 series also has a deviation of about 30%, and measured values ​​that major European cars are far from published values ​​were measured, while Toyota Of Auris is less than 20% divergence.

Although it is often that the value of fuel consumption of the manufacturer and the measured value are different depending on the test environment etc., it is clear that the divergence of the European car is relatively significant. T & E said, "It is impossible to say from this test result that a program that deceives consumers such as a camouflage program that Volkswagen went through to pass the NOx test is being used" "EU governments embarking on the Volkswagen survey should expand the scope of the study not only for NOx emissions regulations but also for CO2 emissions regulations that are highly relevant to fuel economy".

in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log