It is reported that malware of VW's "Diesel Gate" incident was developed by Audi in 1999

The existence of exhaust gas regulation escape software of diesel engine found in North America in 2015, so-called "Diesel gate"The software used by the Volkswagen Group for the incident has been reported to have been developed by Audi under the umbrella of the group.

VW 'Dieselgate' software developed at Audi in 1999: report | Reuters

VW emissions cheat software came from Audi - report | Business | The Guardian

Germany's commercial economic paper "Handelsblatt(Handel's Brat) "reported to the concerned staff, Audi said that in 1999 the software was able to turn off certain features of the engine. However at this point this software was never used for vehicles of the Volkswagen Group.

But six years later, when Volkswagen's development team found out that there was no way to reduce the concentration of nitrogen oxides contained in the exhaust gas below the regulation value, Audi software came to be used. Handel's Blat I report the paper. In response to this report, Volkswagen and Audi both refused to comment on the grounds that it is under investigation by American institutions.

In a series of "diesel gates" cases, it has been found that about 11 million diesel engine vehicles equipped with fraudulent software to escape exhaust gas regulation were sold worldwide, and litigation problems are raised one after another I will. In Europe, the recall has begun, but in the United States where the incident was discovered the progress has been ongoing. But on 20th April 20th, Volkswagen reports that it reached an agreement largely with American environmental authorities by buying back all the vehicles with malware.

Exclusive: VW to offer to buy back nearly 500,000 U.S. diesel cars - sources | Reuters

VW, agreement with US authorities to repurchase 500,000 fraudulent vehicles and coverage: Asahi Shimbun Digital

According to the contents reported by the Asahi Shimbun Digital etc, the target car for repurchase is a false diesel car with a displacement of 2 liters, which is expected to be about 500,000 units in total. Also cars with 3 liters displacement, whose fraud has been revealed, are not included in the purchase target. The purchase is made on the value of the car before the fraud detection in September of last year and that the owner is considering compensation payment.

Regarding escape of emission control regulations, in Japan only 20th April 20, Mitsubishi Motors just announced that it had inflated fuel efficiency performance of mini vehicles. The exhaust gas regulation that increases the severity with each year, and the attitude of the automobile manufacturer corresponding to that are questioned once more.

Mitsubishi automobile once again scrutinized clarification will be forced | NHK News

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