Mark · ザ ッ カ ー バ ー グ reveals that 'dislike!' Button (Yadane !, bad new !, no good!) Button is implemented on Facebook
On Facebook, "Facebook" is used to indicate "like" or "fun"Like! (How nice!)There is a button. To such Facebook, a button to show new intention to content against the "Dislike! (Yadane!)The company's Mark Zuckerburg CEO reveals that it will be added.
FINALLY: You'll soon be able to 'dislike' things on Facebook, says Mark Zuckerberg - Business Insider
Zuckerberg confirms a form of "dislike" button coming to Facebook | Ars Technica
Facebook is an event where anyone can ask questions to Mark Zuckerburg CEO "Q & A with Mark"Is held. Within the same event held on 16th September 2015, Zuckerberg believes "I have asked the user for the" Yadane! "Button for the last few years, and today is a special day, Today is the day that I can reveal that you are developing a "Yadane!" Button, "I declared to implement" Yadane! ".
According to Zuckerburg CEO, Facebook does not immediately correspond to the "Yadane!" Button. This is a social news site & bulletin boardRedditIt seems to be because it does not want to be a system that adds or subtracts points to topics like.

In addition, Facebook and Zuckerberg do not seem to think that users positively utilize the "Yadane!" Button, and as a way to express feelings other than "Like!" To the end "Yadane!" Button It seems that he is thinking to add. "What users really want is a way of expressing" empathy. "And life is not all a good moment," Zuckerburg said about the reasons for implementing the "Yadane!" Button I will.
According to Zuckerburg CEO, Facebook seems to have worked on the development of this "Yadane!" Button for a while, so the button is scheduled to be implemented shortly, and how Japanese translation is translated It is unknown whether it will be.
The state of "Q & A with Mark" held on 16th September 2015 can be seen in the following movie.
Townhall Q & amp; A with Mark September 15th, 2015Watch the full video of today's townhall Q & amp; A with Mark.
Posted byQ & amp; A with MarkOn 15th September 2015
In addition, it is said that Facebook is also planning to implement a function to notify whether posts have been checked on Facebook, like the LINE read through thing, "I ignored what the event invitation was checked, why?" The possibility of occurrenceThe Daily DotPointed out.
Facebook brings read receipts to another high-profile feature
According to The Daily Dot, when Facebook invites friends to the event and updates event information, Facebook is planning to add a page that allows friends to check if these information has been checked. If this function is implemented, for example, the organizer of the event will be able to easily check who has not checked the information yet, and it becomes clear who should contact with other means other than Facebook I will.
A Facebook spokesperson commented, "We are planning a function that enables organizers and guests of private events to see if the invited friends have seen information on the event," commented The Daily Dot If this function is implemented, a check mark and a display of "Seen" will be added to the user who checked the information like the image below.
This is what Facebook's new friendship destruction device (event read receipts) looks
- Daniel Victor (@ bydanielvictor)2015, September 14
In addition, Facebook can now make Facebook related notifications from Chrome for users using Facebook from mobile web browsersAnnouncementdoing.
It is possible to receive notification from Facebook. This means that even if you do not have the Facebook app installed, you will be able to receive notifications from Facebook on smartphones if you are using Facebook via Chrome.
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