Obviously Google and Amazon are paying money to the extension "AdBlock Plus" to turn off ads to display advertisements

ByShawan Zain

The browser extension that can be used from major browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer is "AdBlock Plus". This is to hide the advertisement in the web page, and for the user the page is refreshing and thankfully, and for companies that distribute advertisements on the Internet, the advertisement is not displayed at all So it is becoming a painful headache. AdBlock PlusPartner company's ads are delivered without blocking and receive moneyYes, it turned out that some of these partners have names such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

Google, Amazon 'n' pals fork out for AdBlock Plus 'unblock' - report • The Register

Google, Amazon, Microsoft,TaboolaLarge companies in the IT industry like paying money to AdBlock Plus to prevent house ads from being erasedFinancial TimesIt became clear by coverage of.

Adblock Plus, which is believed to be used by more than 300 million users worldwide, is a free downloadable software on the web. The developer is a German startupEyeoSo, the companyWhitelistBy not hiding only specific ads in the advertisement, we receive money from the partner company who wants to show advertising and earn money.

By reading the following article you can tell what condition you can satisfy Adblock Plus whitelist.

Official announcement that Adblock Plus Whitelist is included in only 9.5% of application companies - GIGAZINE

In a nutshell, it appears that whitelisting is possible if Adblock Plus meets the "modest advertisement" criteria shown below.

· Static advertisement that does not animate and sounds
· It is preferable not to use conspicuous images only with text
· It is not confused with the content of the displayed page
· It is not a text ad to be inserted in a sentence
· It is not in a state where scrolling is indispensable when the user is placed at the top of the page and the user tries to see the contents
· Do not occupy 33% or more of site height (assuming 700 pixels or more)
· Do not occupy 33% or more of the site width (assuming 1000 pixels or more)

It seems that 25% of Adblock Plus users think "no advertisement is displayed", but "It is also possible to set not to display advertisements in whitelist from options", eyeo I am commenting and emphasizing that if you put it in the whitelist it does not mean that users will definitely see those ads.

Although it was revealed that the IT industry giants such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. are in the whitelist of Adblock Plus, Google has removed the Android application version of AdBlock Plus from Google Plaid in 2013.

in Software, Posted by logu_ii