Adobe has finished offering "Creative Suite" and shifts to "monthly charge" Creative Cloud "
Adobe in MarchShifting software package sales and shifting to download onlyAlthough I commented on it, today it has been revealed that development and sales of the "Adobe Creative Suite" series have ended, and that it will move to "monthly billing" Adobe Creative Cloud ".
To Customers - Message from Adobe
Introducing the Creative Cloud
This was held in Los Angeles "Adobe MAX 2013What was revealed in. According to Adobe, "Creative Suite" which is currently on sale only carries out bug fix and security related correspondence in the future, the development of a new CS series is also pear, and it will shift to "Creative Cloud" after that. The product name will be changed to CC as "Photoshop CC" by June update.
Package sales and download sales have been done for Creative Suite, but Creative Cloud will not sell such a purchase slip, and will pay the usage fee on a monthly basis. Basically, the software that is provided with Creative Suite will be updated to CC, but for Fireworks it will end development. This is "no update is done", it does not seem to be useless.
As for the contents of the event, it is supposed to be delivered from 13 o'clock today.
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in Software, Web Service, Posted by logc_nt