Headline news on March 28, 2012
Maga magazine of IkushaThe monthly comic ZERO-SUM launches its 10th anniversaryWe celebrated. From the May issue of todayKazuya MinekuraA new chapter of "Saiyuki RELOAD BLAST" started, this is the final chapter of this main part. In addition to the Saiyuki RELOAD BLAST cover, the cover also comes with a large volume booklet that re-recorded all the "funeral editions" that had been posted before the holidays.
By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.
Disease that can cause about 1 million people to die annually · Further progress in the production technology of therapeutic drugs for malaria, utilization of genus Fuso ginseng - GIGAZINE
"Do not stop the teacher!", 5 small girls who donated all the pocket money made for 3 years to stop the temporary layoff of the teacher - GIGAZINE
Art "Panty · Quilt" sewn on 58 underwear for ladies appeared, a commitment to panties glows gossip - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (memo · various others)
VIPPER I: The difficulty of mouth fight with Hage is abnormal
31 Name: Below, VIP will be sent to you as a nameless [] Posted on: 2012/03/20 (Tue) 04: 34: 24.07 ID: 2JgDdeoH0
As I told her that she was "dead", if I reply "Bald"
I got angry that it was a terrible overstatement from around
Read separately Margaret ☆!
The impact of the first page is amazing.
IPhone stopwatch is awful wwwwww - MC) Summary
"Combinations that would be impossible even for gay girls of treasure". I thought it was a genius genius genius. ... on Twitpic
Lifetime \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News: Lipovitan D's CM is saved and it's drinking after all ... - Livedoor blog
17: Here and below, VIP will send you a nameless: 2012/03/28 (Wednesday) 01: 12: 06.53 ID: XpVp47ba0
Did you notice it at last?
Too cheap to block with ameba pig Warota wwwwwwwwww: Sister is VIPPER
Quality of saver cake made by girls high school students covered in news features are too high Warota w: Otaku News
Power struggle starting from Ma · Co - Diary of orangestar
【Do not laugh at the Minister's Intention】 m9 (`· ω · ') The people of the SDF! Have a more tense and seriously hit the mission!
Can amateurs make personal computers yourself? : Sister VIPPER
1: Below, VIP will send it as nameless: 2012/03/27 (Tuesday) 16: 12: 02.79 ID: p8hpO0Qv0
My son, my father's only son, wants to make her own work
3: Here and below, VIP will send you a nameless: 2012/03/27 (Tue) 16: 13: 12.87 ID: GlkUdyb 10
Who are you
Tottori is unexpectedly in the city Warota wwwwwwwwwwww: Kini speed
My day at the city hall: 2ch Copipe preservation dojo
【2ch】 New speed quality: [The mass communication] "There was no pressure" Furutoshi caster speaking remarks President Terence
The timetable of 32 years ago is too different from now wwwwwwww: Kini speed
I definitely do not want to pay 99 million yen - Cotrico
Watashi Watanabe's stupid story made a batting wwwwwwwwww «Nan J« Nikkan Yakiniku @ J J
VIPPER ME: What do you do if you encounter Conan kuns at your destination?
1 Name: Below, VIP will be sent to you as a nameless [] Posted on: March 11, 2012 (Wednesday) 04: 14: 02.17 ID: wN / UJck60
Be sure to get involved in the incident
I will be killed by the culprit if I do not do it well.
That is www Who www Who www Who wwwwwwwww: Kini speed
I will attack Gumma but have advice? Blowing speed - VIP
I thought about ways to watch out for permanent reprints on Twitpic
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Asahi Shimbun Digital: Removal "Body education" final stage High school textbook, increasing quantity 12% - Society
Utility of 'Why?' - Resident initial training materials
Electric car: Honda car that can supply power to home for 6 days, hydrogen is generated by solar cell - @ IT MONOist
Proof by science, reasons why onboard meals are unpleasant | Slashdot Japan Science
A filthy environment prevents allergy? | Slashdot Japan Science
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
During a quarrel on the way of highway, a track collision and two deaths: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
Tokyo Electric Power Company: 87% of eligible subscribers targeted to increase corporate tariffs do not agree and decrease revenue by 100 billion yen - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)
TE TEX's smart meter international bidding is possible race? | Slashdot · Japan Hardware
[Consumption tax preliminary examination] Canceled by Mr. Maehara at discretion. From inside the party, "It is such a messy story" that is a big mess. | Dear Broadcast
Liaisoner \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: margin rate of agency company, mandatory public disclosure obligation, revised worker dispatch law passed with majority of pros and cons of such as democracy · LDP · Komei 3 party · Livedoor blog
Foreigner "American medical system fucking too much Warota" Overseas reaction: Free tasteless odorless powerful drugs
Leisure person \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News: Tokyo University ranked No. 1 for 30 consecutive years! "Open High School" Students who solve the mathematics of the center exam which gathers children who are said to be "godchild" at each elementary school by mental calculation - livedoor blog
Assangi suspects as "Senator of the Libertarians" Aim for winning international news: AFPBB News
Julian Assange, the founder of the whistle-blowing website "WikiLeaks", was arrested on July 27 as a "libertarian" if he won the Senator of Australia He said he aims to build a government.
Asanji, who is appealing to the UK Supreme Court for the cancellation of the decision to transfer to Sweden due to sexual assault charges, was announcing his appearance in the Australian Senate election this month.
Commentary: What is on Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant 2 | NHK 'kabun' blog: NHK
TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit No.2 which proved that only 60 centimeters of water was accumulated yesterday. The image inside the containment vessel was released. TEPCO believes that the pressure suppression room in the lower part of the container is broken and it seems that water is leaking, but concrete method to specify the damaged place has not been found and future work for the decommissioning furnace is difficult Is expected.
Principal, late for five years · Early withdrawal 50 times ... reprimand of warning: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
Sex offender rehabilitation task remains ... Previous employee address notice To Osaka prefectural ordinance establishment today: News: From Kansai: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
The draft regulation obliges the governor to notify the address, contact information, etc. when a person within five years from the expiration of the sentence due to sexual offenses such as rape or forced indecency against under 18 years lives in the prefecture. Violators pay a fine of 50,000 yen or less. We will provide consultations and necessary assistance for returning to society to those who reported prior. It will come into force on October 1 if it is established.
Amnesty International (Headquarters London) International Headquarters Diaz said on December 26 that Japan's juvenile law prohibits minor underdeveloped death row prisoners' real names, killing "(Death row prisoners) It is ironic that it is good, but you should not report your name. " Furthermore, "If you lack transparency, it will hinder the debate (the death sentence system)," he wondered.
POLAR BEAR BLOG: School that collects funds through parent data analysis
Germany suffering from the impact of nuclear shutdown
Asahi Shimbun Digital: portrait of Muzo Suzuki calling ripples "naming Matsuyama Chiharu" - politics
Can prostitution, if safe? Invalid judgment on prohibition law in Ontario Province + (1/3 page) - MSN Sankei News
If the Canadian government appealed to the Federal Supreme Court and the court ruled that the judgment will not be overturned as a result of an invalid judgment following the first instance in the state district court of the year before last year, in the province of Ontario all acts related to prostitution including prostitution And business is legal, but there are a lot of opposition arguments in the government.
Three ways to attract many people to the event
I also hold study meetings locally, and I am annoyed at attracting customers. The population of the local Shizuoka prefecture is about 3.6 million. Because it is long in the east and west, the number of people who can practically reach can be reduced more. Compared with the 40 million people in the Tokyo area where the transportation network is stretched, collecting 50 people in Shizuoka is as hard as collecting 500 people in Tokyo.
Interview with Mr. Ryohei Kawamura, Executive Secretary of NPO Corporation POSSE (100 stories I would like to know by 2013) - BLOGOS (Blogos)
Doubt that company secrecy replicated, arrested Chinese employees: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
We are going to Nepal. : "I understand that you can scribble graffiti warning sentences" I fined $ 30,000 to a Korean international student who scribbled in the US ruins
Goldman Sachs shakes in charge of employee's accusation: Nikkei Business Online
I opened my eyes on the condition that a senior executive did not reveal his name. "Lloyd has become a nasty existence, everyone is disgusted with his management style and seeking change.Lloyd is hinting that he does not feel like quitting at once, so he complains himself only There are not a few employees doing it. "
It is better for big executives to visit once - the strength of Sanriku Railways to recover: Nikkei Business Online
Do not throw away Japan now / the UK 's consumption tax is high - Do not be hungry!
Magnificent acquisitions to Japan 's plate glass, miserable as Toden' s rating (1) | Corporate strategy | Oriental economy of investment, economy, business
Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. has doubled its sales scale in 2006 to make Pilkington of the same company a subsidiary totaling over 600 billion yen. "Small is a bargain acquisition" attracted attention.
【Survey】 "Buying brand-name goods" Japanese female tourists have a sense of incompatibility - Paris, Rome's 40% stupid .com
NHK R1 Radio 1st 2012/3/27 (Tuesday) OA "One more word! Evening news / Where do young people work? Strengthen support measures for irregular workers" Commentary tw - Togetter
Tokyo Newspaper: "core melting" one description High school textbook test: society (TOKYO Web)
Environment Terrorist Continually landing in Japan (second part) Japan WEDGE Infinity (Wedge) of heaven for activists
Elegant force to amusement park type "Doraemon Stadium" / Football / Daily Sports online
J1 Kawasaki found out that he plans to rebuild Kawasaki specialty such as the popular anime "Doraemon" and torii that was conscious of Kawasaki Daibutsu at the home equal athletics stadium to amusement park style stadium embedded everywhere on 27th . Reactions are generally good at the stage of suggesting to the city or building companies. Construction will begin after the end of this season, and in the beginning of 15 years scheduled completion of the main stand, a stadium with only one single dream in Japan may be born.
The fact that the average stock price has almost recovered in only one year from the Great East Japan Earthquake of "Once in 1000 years" - Random walker in Umeyashiki shopping district (index investment practice note)
The acquisition bubble time limit approaching Japanese megabanks | inside Enterprise | Diamond Online
Suicidal power country Nippon, how to reduce tragedy: Nikkei Business Online
A country where 90 people committed suicide every day for 13 years
Taiwan Hong Hai to the largest shareholder, Sharp's 100th decision too late: Nikkei Business Online
At 7:10 am, Yamato Seto president was at the scene - Reporter's eye: ITpro
Iin Seki Hikari talks "The movement of revision of the copyright law now is barren" | The world is made of figures
Leisureman \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News: 【Chinese BBS】 "Is there not a parasite in the sashimi that Japanese eat?" "Naturally you do not" "Not in China, because even a parasite can not live" - Livedoor blog
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
I honestly told you that I fell in love at first sight
Robo Makuru | School to make a cool robot
ROBOTSCOOL is an entirely new school that cultivates innovative creators of the future. Lessons will be conducted using the latest MINDSTORMS NXT system from LEGO® which has already proved worldwide for ages 6 to 15. By designing and creating programs for moving robots and robots and actually moving it, I learn the power and cooperativeness each individual thinks, and experience the joy of achieving the tasks. Through these processes, you will acquire the expertise of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), which is necessary for active in modern society, and the ability to overcome teamwork and competition.
Do you want to stop saying femininity manlyness: philosophy news nwk
Paid vacation is natural right | 100% Pure NEET
It is equivalent to saying "I am stupid" to say something like this after writing that he is a manager. Because it is not "getting a salary even though it does not work" but arranging salaries and human resources must decide on a paid leave basis, but not only do not do it, but you are not understanding It is because it is expelling things on the net.
In a simple story, eight people should not turn the workplace where eight people need. It is the responsibility of the managerial position to arrange ten people there and afford leeway so that they can take paid leave. It seems that in Japan, management managers are often simply superior but do not manage much, but I am surprised to hear it confidently.
The latest camper is too cool and too comfortable! I did not need a house! : 【2ch】 New speed VIP blog (`· ω · ')
Actual condition of unknown university faculty members - 4403 is not prime.
I am writing this with a strong intimidation that I have to write it. No, I'm saving them. Everyone, I think that it is not well understood what kind of occupation the university faculty is and what they do day by day. If you do somewhat, you may not want to know. So, I would like to reveal the facts of the university faculty I have seen and heard. However, it is all fiction, fantasy and delusion. It has nothing to do with the affiliated institution at all, and it does not relate to any particular person at all. It can be said that it is up to you whether to believe or not. Fact is stranger than fiction.
Dating single mothers - amber-colored spells
Single mothers who "prostitute".
I can not even completely divide it as "for money", I tell myself that it is "just borrowing", and saying, "If you can meet a good person with this (opportunistic prostitution) triggered ... ..." Embrace expectations. I am not qualified, I can not find a job, I have sickness of my heart, life is difficult.
Children do not want to lose, and children are worth living, but on the other hand, they do not have enough economic power to abuse themselves or to nurture children well.
Delicious | "Go-Go Curry" opened in New York too popular Wolter www wow queue "It is one hour from the morning" "I have been waiting forever"
"Live with prototype thinking" | How to live in the 21st century - Shinpei Takagi | Contemporary business [Kodansha]
"When you return home, there are people who do not know.
This situation, some people may call the police.
But in my house it is a daily event
I am a clockmaker but have questions? : Social life VIP
12% of household housewives households are "poor" Can not work with child rearing: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
47% of "HNWILLIONS", bipolar
Milk tea recipe summary - 17 recipes - ginkgo tea
Do not try to "get rid of awkwardness" when you go out with poor people | Inspiration box
Job hunting student studying job - Fortunately column
To be honest, I think that quite a part of a young person is very disadvantageous in the first 30 seconds of interview. Too far, the habit of putting out the atmosphere that "it seems to be kajiya", "it looks very troublesome", "does not seem to be bad" seems to have been done.
Talking way entries are mostly like this
The following methods are often introduced.
To become a good listener
To let others talk
Do not criticize or deny
Sympathize with your opponent's story
To lie down
Effective use of miles: Aiming at profitable business class and business class so much if we learn tricks - Law enacting 10 times overseas travel (8)
A corporate love at first sight to "Employment Ronin Girls": Nikkei Business Online
My baby ~ Tell the memory of early childhood
A strange story about seeing "the skies of Shawshank" and talk about new books / new movies
The biggest reason why I thought "disgusting" was the treatment of prisoners who appear in the work. I was curious about whether the treatment of prisoners was wet or not. They are violent offenders who are long sentences and are probably people being imprisoned causing homicide and an unforgivable crime close to that. It will surely be a bereaved man who is crimped by the crime they have caused and still has not lost his life.
The mysterious thing about this movie is that it is in a place where prison is set but that part is not drawn at all. Many of the people being imprisoned do not know well why they are imprisoned, or it is unknown whether they have a sense of atonement in the first place. On the contrary, the prisoners in this movie are drawn as if they are being unduly discriminated against and oppressed by birth, despite punishment due to their own business . I feel a strong discomfort in this part.
Talk about when I was doing a vacuum cleaner | Radic
7: Subject without subject 774 +: 2012/03/08 (Thurs) 17: 23: 30.43 ID: TVzygEbm 0
Because it is an aipon, it is hard to see
In the past I was a vacuum cleaner.
Basically it was mainly to wash the building floor with a polisher and apply wax.
Although the way of 80% was floor cleaning, the remaining 20% work cleaning house cleaning every corner of the house.
House cleaning of the dormitory of a certain anime system vocational school to do during the summer holiday was hell
Painful television: reckless apartment management at WBS
Enough! Misplaced baby boomer beating
My generation is sometimes said to be golden pika generation. We have lived an era when the economy prosper, the social welfare is full, housing prices also rise.
Now I am stealing the bread that I will enter my own children's mouth to enjoy living in old age. While young people wander around the city seeking jobs that are not wherever they are, they are wondering whether to go on safari sightseeing trips or luxury cruise ship trips.
Makoto Business Media: Why are you going on a trip? Because there are planes and trains there - Business TV Makoto
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Automatic upgrade of Internet Explorer started - Internet Explorer blog (Japanese version) - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Notice for Child Pornography Blocking | SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp.
When connecting to the Internet via SOFTBANK MOBILE's network, in order to protect the human rights of children posted on the Internet, we restrict browsing of applicable sites based on the child porn address list provided by ICSA.
Sakura Internet Start Offering "Remote Housing" Data Center Service That Does Not Require Physical Work | Sakura Internet
[Serials] Have you misunderstood Shirota Shinji's Android No. 2 Arm? | Android (Android) information comprehensive portal - AndroWire
Most Android smartphones and tablets are used by ARM's processor. However, ARM does not make any semiconductor products. It is the semiconductor maker licensed from ARM that actually makes the processor. Many semiconductor makers are licensed to ARM, and set makers are also licensed, and it is also being incorporated into semiconductor devices (custom LSI) to be incorporated into the set to incorporate ARM processors.
NTT Communications "CloudN"Public cloud full-scale entry into. Individuals are also available, from 945 yen / month, Amazon compatible API, Japan-US data center deployment etc. - Publickey
Program beginner releases web service - Kazuya blog
You may not be facing a net watch? - Hagex-day.info
Presentation on UTD's storytelling and UX KYOTO holding - Hatena Developer Blog
Makoto Biz.ID: Should I talk about business in the brain soon: Reason why I dislike Facebook (Part 1) (1/2)
Facebook is on the rise in Japan too. "While thinking it is convenient, Toru Shimada says," I strongly think that it would be better not to have such a tool. " Why can not I like Facebook? I will consider the reason separately in two before use and after use.
Osaka Natural History Center DTP Designer Application Guidelines - Togetter
Osaka Natural History Center It is a tweet summary about working conditions (4 to 12 days / month, work day 8,000 yen) for recruiting DTP designers. Since editing rights are open, please increase or decrease the relationship personally.
Apple has no problem with charging new 'iPad' - Comment on DisplayMate - CNET Japan
Points for convincing things that can not be done technically | Monozukuri Blog Co., Ltd. 8bit staff blog
【Shogaku Kodera's Weekly Electric Zooma!】 No. 559: Finally 1080p shooting correspondence. Check the new iPad from the viewpoint of the video - AV Watch
I saw the iPad as a tool for handling live actions such as moving pictures and photographs, but 1080p was able to be taken and it was able to be edited and released on the main body as it was, so that one story was completed. Videos on the Internet are also popular services such as Vimeo and HD resolution, and it is becoming common sense to say "HD resolution" trailers and sample images with pretty correct image quality.
Of course, Retina display has merits also for those who just watch the movie. When you watch a program using a video distribution service such as Hulu, you upconvert internally up to the full screen, but this is unexpectedly beautiful. Of course, the original source does not have that resolution, but there are parts where interpolation is good or pixels are not bothering or there is a part where the sharpness is somewhat insufficient, but you can enjoy movies with quite high quality.
I would like to expect iPad which is quite capable even as a moving picture display device, and various kinds of peripheral components in order to expand this.
Pros and cons in Germany - the relationship between newspaper publishing and the net will change - Hit Institute - Nikkei Trendy Net
Currently the most successful campaign (1/1) by companies that are not necessarily compatible with Pinterest: MarkeZine (Marketzin)
Inside AdWords - Japan: Notice of raising the maximum number of AdWords campaigns
Hitachi's surveillance camera with face recognition function is talked abroad abroad | Slashdot Japan YRO
The reason why I am afraid rather than being talked about overseas is that there is a story that the British government will introduce this system from next year, so if you put in your passport photos or Facebook profile photos in the recognition system, you know who the government is It seems to be a fear monitoring system that makes it easy to find out who you are.
I wrote in the "Newspaper Association News" (March 27 issue) how UK's major media are using social media. Although I got quite a lot of space, various things are happening and I could not put everything in just the examination.
For the moment, I will introduce something that supplemented somewhat to the publication of the association report here, and I will try to introduce the issues that I could not enter in the next entry.
GREE I went to a far place | Playful Worker
Geek's page: NTT IPv6 closed area network fallback problem
IBM's strategy to use a personal smartphone at a company - the days that collaboration engineers think
The price of e-books is "Naturally changing": PC Online
For example, in the case of an e-book with an assumed retail price of $ 26, Amazon purchased for 13 dollars from there further bleeding service of 3 dollars or more and set a price of 9.99 dollars. Awareness that '' Wow ~, the e-book is $ 9.99 '' has become widely established among American readers, but this is nothing to do with publishers thinking "I want to offer e-books cheaply" It is not that. It is the price that Amazon was attaching independently.
Once you release it, it seems you can not erase it. What you can do with the smartphone on the net | Privacy that is robbed | Diamond Online
Best Wi - Fi router legend! 【Clip】 For use as a new iPad, "personal hot spot", the battery driving time is over 25 hours! Internet com | iPhone laboratory (iPad too)
Self-taught Linux: Let's master LAMP server "Introduction"
Request from Google, "Do not block Googlebot crawling CSS · Javascript" | International SEO information blog
Coworking space to the era of differentiation - Leopard LAB
Why did you decide to make a proposal like this one? It is because the co-working space is entering an era of muddy. The exact number of cases is unknown, but 50 seems to be over in Tokyo and Kanagawa. The opening rush will continue in the future. If you do not do it, it may double in the year.
A simple question about Retina display of iPhone or iPad - Maka Maki Di
Sharp of resuscitation at the "Japan Association", the existence of Apple TV behind | Reuters
If you notice, a metamorphosed mount mirrorless camera K - 01 was on sale - Kuru Hatenakushon
This is somewhat different from the mirrorless one-sided eyes of other companies, there are places where mount is old as it is and do not know whether the meaning of mirrorless is above the size or not, but it is like running PENTAX I think that it feels good.
Something like one or two companies * 1 wants to go aiming for the day after tomorrow and the lens interchangeable type camera is actually the lens and the main body of the camera, so so the camera perspective viewpoint And, as a lens lover point of view, you think that you could not cut the old mount, or you must take care of the asset.
Windows Phone Application Development Introductory - Vinegar Rolling (ch3cooh.jp)
Special information! Google starts its first monthly billing system in April: Nikkei Business Online
Google found that it will introduce the first monthly billing service with application distribution for smartphones and tablet devices. Allow users to collect not only the current billing model sold out for each application but also a small fee every month.
Things you want to tell people using localStorage as a substitute for 3rd party cookies - Interest 0 Interest-free caching? Can caching - subtech
Tnfuk [today's news from uk +]: I wrote abusive phrases of racial discrimination on Twitter and I was imprisoned college student (UK)
4Gamer.net - GIGA-BYTE, "G1.Sniper 3" etc. Ivy Bridge generation's Intel 7 motherboard is released. To be released after the beginning of April
Nikon D4 - Digital Camera Watch
In reporting this D4, I took a picture assuming situations close to actual battle in professional photography. Because it is an aircraft given its role as a pro machine, it is meaningless unless it is a camera that surely results even in harsh conditions. The result blew out overwhelming performance far beyond expectation. It is no doubt that it is a camera that has thoroughly introduced Nikon's technology at the present moment.
At the same time it is also an aircraft that always gives a sense of security even in the act of shutting off the shutter. A heavyweight and large swing aircraft and an expensive price of about 650,000 yen are not cameras that are recommended for everyone. But users who choose the camera called D4 will surely be able to get "something" beyond the performance written in the spec.
[Windows 8 countdown] Windows 8 used with mouse and keyboard
The biggest change in Windows 8 is that a GUI called Metro Style was prepared as a new environment. In Windows 8 CP (Consumer Preview), in advance, 8 Metro Style applications are preinstalled, and any application can be downloaded using the store application. Touch operation is assumed, but of course, you can also operate with a mouse or keyboard.
Daisuke Tsuda also withdrew from the Freedom News Association - Togetter
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
With bike! : School girls x Bikes "Ba Kuon !!" are popular and refugees can not buy refugees successively → refinement decision
Chitose Gechu !!: Decided to make TV animation Girls and young men of the village office 4 coma Manga - MANTANWEB (MANTAN web)
LINE Official greeting card "LINE Card" app appeared: LINE official blog
Light novel related manga magazine summary - I mainly read the light novel ^ 0 ^ /
I compiled manga magazines which serializes comic rays related to lanobets
Including manga which the light novel writer is making an original and magazine carrying columns of the Ranobe writer
It is a sharp-edged article from wiki sande, so it will be helpful to point out if there is a concern
Animation you should try as an education 20 - Togetter
I have finished reading the manga version Nausicaa, but the hamster bulletin
【2ch】 New Speed Quality: Do you think "Manga reading adults" is undisputed?
About the heroine called Lina Inverse in the time of Slayers |
Tweppletion: evaluation that paying consideration
Today, I think that you are going to eat poop for "people who fucking sales" Today, how long have you been satisfied with today's approval desire if they are placed in conscious high-ranking Aniota brothers?
I want to go to PreCure All Stars, but ...: 2ch Copipe preservation dojo
425 Name: Nameless Shrine @ stomach full [sage] Posted on: 2012/03/18 (Sun) 08: 24: 42.46 ID: zI2HuoFC0
A young woman alone is the best, but there is a combination of a young girl + mother
However, when becoming a young girl + mother + father, it causes a chemical reaction and becomes the worst existence in human history
It is because we emanate a strong spiritual attack of a happy family
So there is a father that becomes a problem, but the appearance rate drastically decreases in weekday
In other words, while enjoying the shameful paradise, to eliminate the mental attack of a happy family
It is the ideal time to go on a weekday afternoon
Anime "BLEACH" Looking back on 7 years of Osare
Nicomass human power To the extraordinary quality of Bocaro neighborhood, the era caught up with delight and at the same time realized again the merits and demerits of ROBOKISS - the round - the - back chronicle
Neue cc - Social games and me
Try answering the question "What is amazing like Hatsune Miku" - Future private ideas
Hatsune Miku is amazing. I think that there are few people who disagree with that fact any longer. Tens of thousands of original songs have been written for her, hundreds of thousands of people sing it, and millions or more people are listening. That spread also crosses the border, and people who are involved in her singing voice and the creation of characters continue to increase. Such existence is probably unprecedented. What is being asked is why she was the only girl she could have made to such a huge presence.
I think it is,Hatsune Miku was incompleteI will reply.
Is it next to home electronics animation? South Korea "Japanamation" raging hard in Japan WEDGE Infinity (wedge)
What was common in old-day games
Chinese wife's diary: Since nephew's niece is coming, it is labor-saving ver
FINAL FANTASY 13-2 Colosseum Battle 'Tupont & Orthrus' - YouTube
Recent cute voice actor 's picture: 【2ch】 New speed VIP blog (`· ω ·')
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Igawa, To Orix - ... Returning to the Japanese ball field for the first time in 6 years: Professional Baseball: Sports: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
【DeNA's Challenge】 (top) Participating in the baseball team entertaining the audience + (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News
Supporters thought of a strange idea to solve the lack of scoring power - Topics - Qoly.jp / football web magazine Qoly
Here, this is a shocking recorded image that rocks the whole world! "Troll Hunter" - 1953 Cold Summer
Well, the trolls appearing in this work are finely classified into Tossarad, Mountain King, Ringle Finch, Yachtnar, etc. Also, there are forest trolls and mountain trolls, and they are fighting territories, etc. A trace of adhere to the details to be seen. To the extent that it was inscribed to it, an insult who does not draw the intention of the creator if it says that it does not understand a meaning that it made it to petrify if it hits the light, it explodes, and it dies or is not set to a reasonable setting , This person failed! Although it may be condemned as a disappointment, while looking at the troll 's nose saying that he made it to the cock suddenly, that he is defeated against such slander at the moment, it is about the eloquence that can not be confirmed and tasted I think.
Momokuro Adventure ~ Harukanaru Kohakuji Temple ~ - Momomo Kuro Adventure ~ Harukanara Kurenai Temple ~
Takuya Kimura beyond the taboo of the entertainment world! Complaints of Fukushima debris treatment problem - Saizo Women
Kendo is not for real warfare. An amateur is better than a stranger. ● It seems stronger that you hit it like a guy: philosophy news nwk
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
"Mitsuya 's beautiful water lemon PET 485 ml" new release! | News Release 2012 | Company Information | Asahi Beverage
"Mitsuya's clean water lemon" is a new product to be released to enjoy "polished water" which is a feature of the "Mitsuya Cider" brand. "Mitsuya Cider" brand's first carbonate-free carbonated flavor, featuring a refreshing scent of "Mitsuya Cider" and a slightly sweet lemon taste.
New release on 24th April
"Mitsuya Cider" "Mitsuya Cider All Zero" Renewal | News Release 2012 | Company Information | Asahi Beverage
Mitsuya Cider will release on April 24, All Zero will launch on May 29
"Asahi Double Zero Cocktail" New Flavor
New release on 24th April
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Headline news on March 27, 2012 - GIGAZINE
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt