[Obvious] Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and the creator of iPhone and iPod, dies

Apple Inc. announced that its founder and former CEO Steve Jobs died early in the morning of October 5, 2011.

Remembering Steve Jobs-Apple


Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being.Thone of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spilit will forever be the foundation of Apple.
If you would like to share your thoughts, memories, and condolences, please email rememberingsteve@apple.com
Apple has lost a creative genius for the future, and the world has lost a wonderful human being. Fortunately to live or work with Steve in the same era, we lost a close friend and at the same time an inspirational teacher. Steve left behind a company that only he could have created. His soul will live forever as the cornerstone of Apple.
If you would like to share your condolences, thoughts (about Steve), and memories, please contact us at this address (rememberingsteve@apple.com).

Apple --Press Info --Apple Media Advisory

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, who had a rivalry in the IT industry, sent the following message:

I'm truly saddened ... | Facebook

The contents are as follows.

I sincerely mourn the death of Steve Jobs. Melinda and I would like to extend our deepest condolences to Steve's family and friends, and to all who have been involved in his work.
Steve and I first met about 30 years ago and have spent the rest of our lives as companions, competitors, and friends.
The world has such a huge impact that he may never meet again with someone who could influence him for generations.
It was a great honor for us to be lucky enough to live and work with him.
I sincerely miss his death.

Click here for a statement from the Apple Board of Directors.

Apple --Press Info --Statement by Apple's Board of Directors

Statement by Apple's Board of Directors
We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today.

Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that
enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.

His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.

I'm very sad, but I have to tell you that Steve Jobs has died today.

Steve's talent, passion and energy have been the source of countless innovations that have advanced and enriched our lives.
The world has been made immeasurable by Steve.

Condolences to his wife Lauren and his family, who he loved more than anyone else, and to everyone who was moved by his great work.

Also, President Barack Obama of the United States, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Yahoo! Co-founder Jerry Yang and film director George Lucas have also sent a memorial message.

President Obama, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Others React to Steve Jobs' Death --ABC News

◆ President Barack Obama

'Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was among the greatest of American innovators --brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.

By building one of the planet's most successful companies from his garage, he epitaxial the spirit of American ingenuity. By making computers personal and putting the internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible, but intuitive and fun. And by turning His talents to storytelling, he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups alike. Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last. Because he did, he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.

The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented. Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers to Steve's wife Laurene, his family , and all those who loved him. '

Michelle and I sincerely mourn Steve's death. Steve was the biggest American innovator. He was brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and brilliant enough to accomplish it.

He demonstrated America's creative soul by launching one of the most successful companies on the planet from his garage. And by making computers personal and the Internet in our pockets, we have made the information revolution more intuitive and enjoyable than just something we can touch. He also brought joy to many children and adults equally when he told the story. Steve often used this phrase. 'I live every day thinking that today is the last day.' It is precisely because he lived that way that he changed our lives, redefined all industries, and made a great step rarely seen in human history. He changed the way we look at the world.

The world has lost a person with great foresight. There is no greater compliment than the fact that the device he made has made many people around the world aware of the obituary. Michelle and I send our compassionate hearts and prayers to Steve's wife Lauren, his family, and all those who loved him.

In addition, 'think different' that appears in this message is a catch phrase of Apple's advertisement in 1997 when Jobs returned to Apple . Also, the descent of 'he could change the world' is based on the passage of Jack Kerouac's work 'On the Road' quoted in the advertisement.

◆ Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg CEO

'Steve, thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you.'
Steve, thank you for being a teacher and a friend. Thank you for showing me that what you have created can change the world. I'm very lonely.

◆ Yahoo! Co-founder Jerry Yang Former CEO

'Steve was my hero growing up. He not only gave me a lot of personal advice and encouragement, he showed all of us how innovation can change lives. I will miss him dearly, as will the world.'
Steve was my hero. Not only did he give us a lot of personal advice and encouragement, but he showed us all that innovation can change our lives. Like everyone in the world, I mourn his death deeply.

◆ Film Director / Producer George Lucas (Creator of 'Star Wars' and 'Indiana Jones' series)

'The magic of Steve was that while others simply accepted the status quo, he saw the true potential in everything he touched and never compromised on that vision. He leaves behind an incredible family and a legacy that will continue to speak to people for years to come. '
Steve's magic is to see all the true possibilities he touches and never compromise on that vision, while others simply accept the status quo. He left behind an irreplaceable family and a legend that will be passed down to posterity.

In this obituary, the character string 'Steve Jobs, 1955-2011' appears on the top page of Google.


Jobs met Steve Wozniak (Woz) , who later became a co-founder when he was a student, and made a 'blue box' that was published in a magazine and made a long-distance call for free and sold it on campus. ..

In 1976, Woz built a computer on his own and approached Hewlett-Packard Company, which he was working for at the time, to commercialize it, but Jobs and Woz decided to sell it themselves. In June 1976, the 'Apple Computer I' will be on sale. Launched in 1977, which was incorporated by Apple Computer, the Apple II has become extremely popular, with sales of 2 million units in 1984.

As of 1979, Jobs and others were working on the development of Apple II's next-generation computer 'Lisa', but Jobs, who repeatedly devoted himself to his own discretion, was eventually removed from the Lisa project. However, Jobs announced that he would participate in the Macintosh project that was underway at the same time. At first, Jobs was in charge of hardware, but again he started to talk about software, and Jeff Raskin, who was in charge of software side, will leave the company.

The Macintosh was released in 1984, but the demand was misread and a deficit occurred due to excess inventory. This will deprive Jobs of all positions except 'Apple President'. So Jobs resigned as chairman and founded NeXT to develop a new computer. Around this time, Lucasfilm's computer animation division was acquired for $ 10 million and became independent as 'Pixar.' Jobs will make a huge investment of $ 50 million in Pixar, but with the big hit of 'Toy Story', he will have assets that exceed this investment.

After Jobs left, Apple had some good parts such as the Power Macintosh series, but overall it was sluggish, and in 1994, as a result of significantly breaking the demand and supply forecast, it was in the red of 80 million dollars and left the company. I was in a state of thinking only about where to sell myself. In such a situation, Gil Amelio , who was a big Macintosh fan, became CEO in 1996, and Apple is finally steered toward 'rebuilding'.

At that time, Apple was struggling to develop the next OS, and although the development code 'Copland' was being developed individually, it could not be assembled as an OS and development was discontinued. Windows NT, Solaris, OS / 2, and BeOS were candidates for the next OS. However, this also did not go smoothly, and eventually it was decided to adopt ' OPENSTEP ' developed by Jobs' NeXT company, Apple company acquired NeXT company, and Jobs returned to Apple.

From here, Jobs's breakthrough is a series of innovative products such as the PowerBook G3 with a curved design, the iMac that won the Good Design Award for its translucent housing, and the iPod , a portable music player. In 2007, we entered the smartphone market and released the iPhone , and in 2010 we released the iPad , which is a tablet PC. Apple's founder himself became the 'founder of Chuko' and helped the company.

However, due to poor health, he took a temporary leave of absence in January 2011 for medical treatment and resigned as CEO in August.

Every time he appeared in the presentation, he was a big person who made me think 'I think I'll do something again' and 'I think there will be' One More Thing 'again.'

in Note, Posted by logc_nt