Television discontinued broadcasting of 'Suspicious rice cesium', apology and alternative program

On August 4 Tokai TV system information program "Pekan TV" during the airingTicks such as "Suspicious rice cesium" are misdisplayedAnd about that matterIwate Prefecture strongly protests to Tokai Television as slander slanderAlthough it developed also to the situation that it was developed today, we found out that the broadcast of "Pekkan TV" on Friday, August 5 today was abruptly stopped, and switched to the broadcast of apologies program and alternative program.

Looking at the program guide of the Tokai TV official website, the content of the frame that was scheduled to be broadcasted on "Friday, August 5 (Fri)" was changed, and from 9:55 " "From 9: 58" Tom and Jerry Tales "is supposed to be drained for about an hour and a half.

Tokai TV | Weekly Program Guide

The content of "Apology and Report" televised for 3 minutes from 9: 55 can be seen in this movie. I also included the content that transcribed the voice.

I'd like to apologize and report -? YouTube

Good morning. We apologize and have a report to everyone from Tokai TV.

We broadcasted a subtitle telop of improper expression such as "Suspicious Rice", "Contaminated Rice", "Cesium Mr." as a winner of Hitomoribori Iwate Prefecture broadcast on yesterday's broadcast of "Pekkan TV" It was.

We sincerely apologize for everyone involved in agriculture and livestock industry in Iwate Prefecture and for any inconvenience caused by the nuclear power plant accident including Fukushima Prefecture. Moreover, I apologize again for having caused very much unpleasant feelings to the viewers as well.

The erroneously broadcasted telop was a provisional telop created by a clerk in the actor before the winner was actually decided. This time I broadcast that temporary telop by mistake in operation. Even though it was a temporary telop which does not broadcast, there was a big problem in doing a very unscrupulous expression that is not finished with a playful heart. I am deeply sorry that there was sweetness in management system, such as unclearness of the person in charge, program producer, how to check by the director.

Originally we have to pay close attention to halt the damage caused by the rumor, We take heavy responses to the broadcasting of content that could lead to misunderstandings as if "Iwate prefecture Hitomebore" is not safe, deeply reflection doing. In future, in order to prevent such a situation from occurring again, we will review the management system of program making and thorough compliance, and we will strive to restore lost trust.

Again, I sincerely apologize to all concerned people and viewers. I am very sorry about this time.

Today I will stop Peekan TV and I will broadcast another program.

In the "Apology and Report" there was an expression "temporary telop made by a person in charge"Coverage of the local media Chunichi ShimbunAccording to, the telop was created by a male in the 50's of the external staff, and it is said that the caster created inappropriate wording after making it on the computer as the original data of the board to write the winner's name and address with the pen I will.

Currently, when accessing the "Pekin TV" program site of Tokai TV, after the text of apology is displayed on the top page, it is supposed to make transition to the original top page. The content is the same as the press release and press coverage announced yesterday.

Tokai TV | Pekin TV

As long as I look at the weekly program listings, there is a display "Pekin TV" from next Monday, will it be possible for the state to be able to resume broadcasting on the second day of the weekend ...?

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log