【Talent recruitment】 We want to change the world with GIGAZINE We ​​are looking for editors · reporters → finished

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 12:00 Jun 28, 2011, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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◆ What media do you want to be "GIGAZINE"?

The March 11 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident showed one fact. In fact, I confirmed the fact that what happened, explain so that I can understand what the meaning of the facts that have happened, and the media that I could disseminate and disseminate such necessary information At that time, I showed that there was not one in the world.

What happened then, what kind of information is true, what the meaning of the numbers is, no media agency tells the facts, can not explain the facts, and disseminates the necessary information I could not even do it. I think that not only existing media such as newspapers and television, but also the Internet was defeated at that time that time. I did not understand the fact, I could not confirm it, I could not keep talking about irritated information, I could not teach that, spreading confusion alone. We were helpless, there was no technique to do before unreasonable. That is why, the same thing happened next time,"Learn facts, confirm, disseminate, teach and disseminate"I think that you need to prepare everything so that you can do it.

This is exactly what GIGAZINE is aiming for, what is different from other news websites, what level is aiming for. When something like 3.11 happened, I checked the fact that what actually happened, explain to understand what the meaning of what happened happens, and then I will give you such necessary information I want to make it a media that can be disseminated and disseminated.

"Actually confirm the fact that what happened and explain so that you can understand what the facts that have happened have meaning and disseminate the necessary information and disseminate it"This is not only necessary for the social, economic and political aspects of the newspaper, but it is now being sought in the genres of all other news. In 3.11, the real meaning that many hoaxes run around the net and individuals can transmit information has been shared among everyone on the net. In other words, the first fact confirmation of "whether the information is fact or not", a descriptive explanation "What is the meaning of the information meaning" which is required next, and the final event of spreading information satisfying those two It is overwhelmingly difficult to perform these three points personally, which is the fact that it is the same even for large organizations like existing media.

Fact confirmation · explanation · Information distributionThere are quite a lot of people who actually realized how difficult these three things are, on the net after 3.11. Conversely, there are many people who felt like this. Knowing how to confirm facts, knowing how to explain what it is, and spreading that kind of information can spread out that kind of information, how many people helped, useful for a lot of people, originally like this time Was not such a situation happening? When.

Long before 3.11 happens, the world where GIGAZINE is located is such a place. GIGAZINE makes it as much as possible to indicate where the primary source of the information is in the article. It is so that the person who reads the article can confirm the primary source and confirm the fact. If GIGAZINE's understanding or explanation is incorrect, the indication will be sent directly via the mail form and if the indication is incorrectly pointed out GIGAZINE will be corrected. So, over time, the information on GIGAZINE will become more and more correct. Still the power of GIGAZINE is still overwhelmingly short.

What is GIGAZINE aiming at, GIGAZINE different from other news websites, what kind of aim is GIGAZINE, what is the quality of GIGAZINE articles, what kind of values ​​and what values ​​are you GIGAZINE Do you emphasize, what do you want GIGAZINE to tell? The answer is "I want to make everyone's useful media when something like 3.11 happens". "Things like 3.11" are occurring on various scales, greater or lesser in all kinds of genres and categories. About everything that is happening in this world, in order from GIGAZINE 's scope,"Actually confirm the fact that what happened and explain so that you can understand what the facts that have happened have meaning and disseminate the necessary information and disseminate it"That is what I want to do.

This is absolutely impossible with only one individual. "Organization" exists to make things that individuals can not do. The reason for the existence of the organization is to achieve work and purpose that individuals can not do. The organization is a system of cooperation, it is the same as moving all the big stones that one person can not move. Therefore, this GIGAZINE exists. It is exactly why I am recruiting GIGAZINE as an individual, and eventually organizing it as "GIGAZINE Editorial Department" and now recruiting talent who can become a reporter / editor again. GIGAZINE exists to do what one can not do. The best thing is"Actually, I confirm the fact that what happened, explain it so that you can understand what the meaning of what happened is, and disseminate the necessary information and spread it" media,about it.

Apparently, nobody, any organization, did not try to do such extraordinary things, and they do not seem to do it. That's why I thought so, then I have to do it myself. Until the coming day comes, I believe that we will not be helpless when the battle against "indifference", the fight against "unreasonable" after that day, and they can be done. This is a kind of belief, it is also the idea of ​​GIGAZINE itself.

A friend who is going to do this together to realize this is now needed for GIGAZINE. We are not seeking workers as "parts of the organization" to do what is told. We are recruiting friends who think that they want to make together, who are making GIGAZINE. There will be some difficulties for that, and there may be a part that digresses somewhat into the private. However, those who can find rewarding there, people who are conscious of constantly pursuing their own improvement through improvement for work, people who can be useful not only for themselves but for all readers other than themselves are asked for such people It is. I will not deny that "just getting salary by being there for that hour". It is not suitable for such a creative work, and I think that it is the right place for the right mere just to get more simple work. However, what we are seeking in GIGAZINE reporters / editors is not such a simple labor force, but even if there are genre we can not do now or weak genre, we always try hard and keep increasing those we can, I want a person who will continue to strive with a sincere attitude if not possible. In other words, it is most important that people who can think about the whole editing department, who can continue if it is for readers, if they are able to continue, or whether they are such people.

All of these things can only be seen as a mere dream, boldly loud story, and Iida Suisui's extreme, it may be felt that it is too far from the present situation of GIGAZINE. However, over the past year, GIGAZINE has been preparing little by little. What is written here is not a rhetoric but a goal that GIGAZINE aims. It will take a very long time to achieve this goal. That is why the organization and structure will change according to changing circumstances, and I think that we should not be afraid of change. However, there are elements that should not be changed. It is not just a slogan, it is all GIGAZINE immovable values, things like lights that are reliable when in doubt, criteria for judgment, what it has written so far.

After understanding all of these, we are looking for editors / reporters who want to work together and change the world in order to achieve the far-reaching goals that individuals can not do.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Introduction They ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they challenge you, and you win.

Mahatma Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi)

◆ Recruitment Period
From June 28 (Tue) to July 11 (Mon) 23: 59

◆ Recruitment occupation
Reporters · edit (article creation)

◆ Business Contents

· It will be all work for creating articles to be posted on GIGAZINE.

· Collect information in articles such as coverage and interviews, articles to make outside, articles to create specialists, articles to explain various information, articles to organize and publish announcement sentences and user outgoing information, and other editorial departments It is work to create various articles such as making articles, articles to actually review.

· Generally speaking it is said that it will take ten years to become a single-person reporter, but since "quality" occurs only from "quantity", how short it can be shortened is proportional to the number of articles created I will.

· For that reason, we need skills for creating all kinds of articles, such as screenshots, photography, writing, etc. In the first year we will learn the basic skills.

◆ Experience and ability required

· Absolutely necessary is writing ability. If it says in school study, it will be the ability to write 'national language', 'short essay' in the entrance examination, 'report' in the university. In short, it is best to write Japanese accurately. There are a lot of spelling errors, a particle is missing, too many mistakes in kanji, no concise writing is possible, it is out if logical consistency is not taken.

· Ability to locate and confirm facts. It is because we need to constantly verify whether it is true or not, not selfish belief. It is one of the essence of writing articles.

Ability to be taught by people. Natural knowledge of yourself is not commonplace for other people. In the same way, others can do what you can do. Also, even if you plan on doing it yourself, if you can not tell people, you can not say that you are mastering. For that reason, we need the ability to teach and understand what we know and what we are wearing by people other than ourselves. This is also one of the essence of writing articles.

· Ability to concentrate and speed up efficiently. Speed ​​is essential because there are many cases to write breaking news articles. In order to get speed it is always necessary to continually devise and work efficiently. Also, since we often write articles on the road, we also need to raise our concentration so that we can create articles anywhere except the editorial department.

· In addition to the above capabilities, further seriousness is necessary. Because how to create and edit articles is not about learning at school, because everyone is a beginner, it is necessary to learn from entering the editorial department. No matter how you tell me, because I do not have the ability to master unless I have the sincereness to accept what I was taught by him / her.

◆ treatment

· Employment form: Full-time employee (with trial period)
· Face value Monthly salary: Negotiable (determined based on experience and skills)
· Allowance: Housing allowance (only in the case where you can walk to the editing department by walking or bicycling), with transportation aid
· Working hours: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm is basic discretionary labor system (because the article itself is updated 24 hours)
· Holidays / Vacation: Full weekly holidays 2 (Saturday, Sunday), Holidays, New Year's holidays, Congratulations and annual paid holidays. However, there are very many business trips entering by coverage etc. In that case, it is treated as a transfer holiday.
· Insurance: Various social insurance (complete medical examination once a year)
· Work place: Osaka prefecture in Osaka city

◆ Eligibility
· Bachelor's degree or equivalent educational background
· Normal license (paper driver not allowed, AT limited)

◆ About re-entry
Even if you applied to GIGAZINE via the Internet or other recruitment means so far but have not been adopted, it is okay to apply again.

◆ Employment Flow "Primary Examination"

Please send the following documents to the e-mail address displayed by clicking "Apply for this recruitment" at the bottom as the first judgment, in the form attached to the mail.

· CV (mandatory face image required, file format etc is unnecessary)
* Please also attach a career history document if necessary. Also, please write each item in detail as much as possible.

· Graduation certificate of final academic background / Transcripts (OK with scanned image file or PDF file)

· Report on the following subjects (file type etc is not necessary if it can be seen offline, not online)
At the top of this article "What medium do you want to be "GIGAZINE"?"As a reporter / editor of GIGAZINE, you can select" Why not GIGAZINE instead of other media, learn what with GIGAZINE, what you want with GIGAZINE, what kind of contribution you can do to GIGAZINE, what kind of contribution you can make to GIGAZINE readers Please be sure to include what you can offer "and write one such article that you would like to hire you for GIGAZINE editorial department only by reading by GIGAZINE editorial department.
The structure of the article should be as follows.

1. Article title
2. Top image of article (width 400 pixels × height 225 pixels)
3. Article body (It is OK to embed it using the actual digital camera picture, screenshot, movie etc.)

Please be sure to correct all misspellings and other things properly so that the article is easy to read.

◆ Employment Flow "Announcement of the passing of the first examination"
We will screen documents based on the content you entered. Only those who passed the primary examination will e-mail the second screening guidance between July 12 and July 19 (Tuesday) 23: 59. In addition, it is possible that a mail from here will be judged as spam and it will not reach, so if you are using a spam filter etc, please be very careful as to whether spam has been judged.

◆ Apply for this job

The link / image, orclick herePlease enter the displayed character string and display the application email address. To prevent spam, "ReCAPTCHA Mailhide"using.

In addition, even if you send questions regarding recruitment recruitment, we can not reply at all from the necessity of fairness, so please understand that point.

Well then, we are waiting for a lot of entries. Thank you.

2011/07/12 0:00
Numerous entries were rushing this time as well, so we decided to close it here as planned. An invitation mail will be sent to applicants who passed the primary examination between July 19 (Tue) and 23:59. Well then, thank you.

in Notice,   Column, Posted by darkhorse