Edible Gold Leaf Can Make Everything You Eat Gorgeously Shiny

If you want to add something to give a special touch on your plate, this might help. With evolving technology, gilding on food has become quite easy. At FOODEX JAPAN 2010, a food-related exhibition held in Japan, there were many products to make foods shine.

Read on for detail.

[Rakuten Shijo]Shiny Jewel sweets with Pure Gold Leaf & Pure Silver Leaf: Tsukioka[Top Page]

Tsukioka, Film-wrapped preparation, edible films, Cosmetics, Edible Gold, Gilding

Kompeito wrapped in gold leaf.

"Kin-Kirei(Gold-Beautiful)", golden sugar balls.

To be used as decoration.

Gold leaves can also be used on tablets and capsule coatings.

Coffee sugar.

"Edible Gold Pen", also used as decoration.

You can do Origami with these edible gold leaves. It's only 2.3" square so you should be skilled though.

Gold leaves are named after their size and color. From the left: Botan Yuki, Sasame Yuki, Hira Hira.

These are not solid gold blocks. They are just coated by gold leaves, but it's quite realistic, isn't it?

Gold Ryu-sei and Silver Ginga, edible gold or silver sprays.

Also they had gold and silver mixed edible spray "Uchu"

These sprays put these shiny particles on foods.

Used on various cakes and cookies.

Kinkira Furikake: Edible Gold leafs for toppings.

Available in many colors.

So many shapes are available; Star, Heart, Square, Stardust(coarse), Stardust(fine), cherry blossom.

Gold "Cherry blossom".

Tiny flower-shaped gold leaves.

Pre-cut gold leaves.

Letters and patterns are drawn in surprisingly thin lines.

Kin-kirara Roll: A plastic tape dispenser-like container is quite convenient.

"Four Nine", 99.99% Pure gold floating in alcohol or water.

Gold leaves dance in the bottle when you rotate it like this.

Silver one has finer particle so it moves like sand in the water.

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in Coverage,   Food, Posted by darkhorse