Sony to commercialize LSI chip for TransferJet wireless technology

Sony's TransferJet is a nearfield wireless data transfer technology, which enables users to send huge datas stored in portable devices at intense 560Mbps by just touching on data receivers.
The technology seems to be running smoothly for popularization. Sony has commercialized key LSI modules for embedding in devices.
Read on for detail.
(Jp)Sony Japan | Press Release | World's first "TransferJet" LSI commercialized
Sony's TransferJet is a next generation transfer technology with an easy interface, which would suit to portable devices.
Sony's new "CXD3267AGG" and "CXD3268AGW" are LSI chip packed signal processor and wireless connectivity needed for TransferJet. It's priced 1500 YEN(about 17 USD) for each.

With these chips, device manufacturers can embed TransferJet technology with slightest changes. As for programmers, there will be reference kit and software development kit provided. The LSI will also be released as PCI Express Mini Card module and USB modules.
Product summary sheet of "CXD3267AGG" and "CXD3268AGW". "CXD3268AGW" is electrically compatible with existing SDIO interface, sized smaller than MemorystickPRO and microSD card.

Recently we reported about Memorystick with TransferJet technology. Seems their LSI chip is small enough for embedding in Memorystick enclosure. Also It will be quite diffusive when installed in microSD card.
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in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log