Sony to embed TransferJet technology on their Memory Stick cards
In near future, we don't have to think about wires and card readers any more. With ultra-convenient TransferJet technology, you will be able to copy datas from a Memory Stick card to your laptop wirelessly as fast as 560Mbps.
Read on for detail.
Sony Integrating TransferJet Into MS Duo Cards, MS-JX8G Hits FCC | Sony Insider
Sony Insider reported that Sony has posted FCC application of a Memory Stick-like product with an FCC ID AK8MSJX8G.
The AK8MSJX8G. Sony put a model number "MS-JX8G"
No ordinary memory card needs FCC applications. So this card must have some kind of devices using radiowaves. MS-JX8G has some kind of wireless communication technology using 4480MHz, which signifies the use of Transferjet Technology.
Here's a link to the original FCC documents posted by Sony.
12 Matches found for FCC ID 'AK8MSJX8G'
This Transferjet MS could be a great help for low-price digital cameras and cellphone handsets which are not able to embed wireless chips. Just pushing this Memorystick into these device will turn it into Transferjet-enabled products, which is great advantage to SD and CF cards.
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in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log