Laptops compatible with "SDXC memory card" with maximum capacity of 2 TB will be released

As the successor standard of SDHC memory card which is currently mainstream,A new standard "SDXC memory card" realizing transfer rate of 300 MB maximum at maximum with 2 TB maximum capacityWas announced in January this year, it became clear that the release of laptops compatible with "SDXC memory card" finally is nearing.

Details are as below.
DailyTech - Lenovo, HP, Dell Integrating SDXC Readers in New 32 nm Intel "Arrandale" Laptops

According to this article, it seems that the launch of a notebook computer compatible with the new standard "SDXC memory card" replacing the SDHC memory card widely adopted in digital cameras, laptop computers, netbooks, etc. will be launched in 2010.

Lenovo, HP (Hewlett-Packard), Dell are listed as manufacturers who are motivatingly promoting this SDXC memory card. On the other hand, it is not clear when Apple will make MacBook compatible with SDXC memory card.

Since Intel plans to introduce a graphic integration type mobile processor called "Arrandale" which adopted 32 nm process for laptop computers in 2010, we adopted "Arrandale" with SDXC memory card slot in 2010 It is expected that a laptop computer will appear.

By the way, the standard maximum transfer speed of the SDXC memory card is 300 MB / sec (2.4 Gbps) overwhelmingly exceeding the transfer rate of the USB 2.0 connection up to 60 MB (480 Mbps) adopted by the conventional SDHC memory card slot It seems that the SDXC memory card slot will require a PCI Express connection.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log