10 Reasons unknown why they chose to become homeless who live on the street

People who become homeless are increasing all over the world due to the deterioration of the economic situation due to recent rapid economic conditions, but some are homeless shelters (homeless temporary accommodation) etc. Even though there are remedies, there are cases where you choose not to use such things but to be "homeless" to dare to live on the street. In other words, there are not a few homeless who think that the person who was on the street is still better than entering temporary accommodation.

Why on earth are they continuing to choose to be homeless on the street for why?

Details of the street homeless situation in the United States are as follows. There are parts that are partially in common with Japanese street dwellers.
10 Reasons Why Homeless People Choose Homelessness | Homeless Tales

Part 1: Safety

Although it may be surprising, it is said that there are times when it is safer to have those who are homeless than entering temporary accommodation facilities. Because it is not a professional managing temporary accommodation, it is a so-called volunteer, and it does not protect individual safety by taking action on violent acts etc. Individual safety can not be guaranteed if a violent criminal, drug addicts, or mentally unstable people share the same room and sleep. If so, who is on the street as a homeless is still better.

Part 2: belongings

Homeless people are liberal. I do not have so many things. However, still things still possessed are things that are very valuable and important, and they are expensive things depending on homelessness. Homeless people try to protect themselves against such few valuable items. However, there are no places to store such belongings safely in temporary accommodations and the like. Personal belongings will be stolen while sleeping.

Part 3: Pet

Homeless people are excluded from society. There is nothing that can be spoken to by the public. Therefore, some of the homeless people may not be talking with anyone for several weeks to several months, or even years, and lonely. This loneliness is one of the difficult things to face when you become homeless. Therefore, even if you share valuable food, you spend with your pet. Therefore, the feeling that you do not want to abandon your pet is an easy-to-understand feeling, but temporary accommodations and other facilities have few facilities that can take care of such pets.

Part 4: Health hazard

There is a close relationship between death and homelessness. The average life expectancy of homeless in the United States is 41 years, proportional to the state of life. It is very difficult for homeless people to receive medical services. There is a case where there is a case where a weak meal and a condition that it is always outdoors and being exposed are relatively mild or even a mild illness. In temporary accommodation, many people stay in a narrow room and the risk of infection increases dramatically. Even if you hurt your health, no one will help, so it is your responsibility to keep the risks to a minimum.

Part 5: Control

Living in a temporary accommodation means that time is decided for everything. Sleeping at what time, what time you get up and what time you will eat is obvious, but it is decided. It is limited when you can use facilities for washing your body. In essence freedom is limited, and life is no longer our own. As long as you can live any condition, you can rather stay on the street, even if it is not a temporary accommodation as much as you can live for your liking.

Part 6: Daytime hours

Most temporary accommodation is only at night. In other words, it means that you must leave the facility early in the morning. Anyway whether it is rainy or snow, whether it is a sleeper or not, I have to leave the facility in the morning. You can not return until the facility is opened again at night, but you must be back around the time you open. If you come back late, there will be no place to sleep on that night. And, as a matter of course, unless you normally live on the street and secure your own living place, there is no place to stay overnight even if you go out of the temporary accommodation. In other words, there is no option to use temporary accommodation from time to time, and if you use temporary accommodation even once, it means that the place where you were living on the street will disappear until then.

Part 7: Poisoning

The stereotyped prejudice that homeless people are all drug addicts and alcoholic patients is not true, but it is important that there are a lot of people suffering from these poisoning. Many of them are desperate to stop their poisoning. In order to cut off addiction, it is necessary to be apart from similar addicts. And departing from a temporary accommodation means also saying that they are departing from poisoning.

Part 8: Privacy

People need their own space. To stay in a temporary accommodation is to share a bedroom with about 50 other residents, to share a meal room, and to share a bathroom. Is it easy to sleep in a room about 50 people talking, laughing, coughing, snoring? It may be warmer than sleeping on the road, but it does not necessarily mean that you can get more sleep.

Part 9: A secret exposure

There are certain rules when using such temporary accommodation facilities, etc. In most cases it is necessary to provide very personal information. For example, personal history, family background, arrest history at the police, medical records, history of debts and so on. Everyone does not want to be pryed by extra things, but that is not going to happen. Because it is widely believed that some people who are missing are homeless people, it is supposed to be requested to provide very personal information in this way .

Part 10: Forced faith

What accounts for a large proportion as a homeless protection facility involves joining "religion". We are requesting worship etc in exchange for food distribution and temporary accommodation use. For those who do not want to believe such religions, this is a very problem.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse