I tried to make "Anti-Deluxe Osechi", which is qualitatively robust

In general, "osechi" is a topic in which things like deluxe things like tens of thousands of yen are taken up often, but in reality it is a feeling that deluxe things are a bit too ~ and furthermore There is also this worldwide recession recently, there is also a case called "seijin gakka" which is celebrating the New Year in a slightly more meaningful way, for example, osechi of frank and plainly oriented direction? So, I made "Anti Deluxe Osechi".

Anti Deluxe The contents of the new osechi are from the following.
There are various opinions about the origins of osechi, apparently, it seems indispensable that "three celebratory relishes" are necessary. In other words, if you have three kinds of celebrations, you can celebrate the New Year at minimum. When I looked it up at Wikipedia, it certainly was written like this in the item "three kinds of celebrations and relishes".

Sengoku dish - Wikipedia

With three types of dishes indispensable for the New Year 's celebration, celebration and rice cakes can be arranged to make a minimum New Year celebration. On the contrary, no matter how luxurious the dishes are, there is no celebration, the New Year 's celebration table is not in the form. It is also called "three dishes".

I see. After reading the explanation that follows, it seems that it is slightly different in Kanto and Kansai.

· Kanto style
Rice cake making (Takuri)
Number child (Kazuko)
Black bean (black cat)

· Kansai style
Tataki Beef (Mutatoba burdock)
Number child (Kazuko)
Black bean (black cat)

With this "celebration three kinds" + "rice cake" for the time being, OK, and. In this time I decided to combine the three items of the smallest items in Kanto, the three items of the smallest items in the Kansai.

This is "Anti Deluxe Osechi". Unlike last year, unlike last year, I tried to make this kind of thing because there are no tricks when the contents are ordinary quadrilateral weight.

Herring roe. I bought a so-called "Shizuku Noguchi" rather than a well-formed one. It is cheap and the amount is also many, there is not much difference in the taste as much as it is so there is no problem.

Black bean. I put it on water overnight and boiled it, but it was where I could burn a little more, it was dangerous.

Tataki beef & rice cake. I feel like I'm a bit short of beating, but with this kind of feeling. The rice field making is successful.

Completion by sticking toy with this. It is refreshingly feeling that the one who cut it out so far is more than a luxurious osechi. Even though I put up my hands a lot, I'm not too busy paying money, so I feel comfortable. It is delicious, because it seems to be deliciously delicious, as it is a combination that seems like rice to be somewhat eaten. Because I was able to concentrate only for the few items, I felt that my heartlessness or perfection was higher than usual. This is recommended.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse