Around the Christmas shopping battle, what game machine are sold at the moment this time & are not sold?

It is about a month to leave this year, but the number of game machines sold by Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft this year has become clear.

Although each company is looking forward to the time before the Christmas shopping battle, which ones are the best selling gaming machines this year and which regrettably are the lowest gaming machines at all?

Details are as follows.
Working Human Today is released | Takahashi Masato Official Blog 16 Tsubuyaki of Takahashi | Takahashi Masato OFFICAL SITE 16 SHOT

Push the button of controller of the game machine 16 times per second Familiar with "16 shots"Mr. Takahashi of HudsonAccording to the official blog of the game company as of November 27, 2008 this year's sales volume is as follows.

PSP 2.8 million units
Nintendo DS 1.50 million units
Wii 1.9 million
PS 3 950,000
PS2 280,000
Xbox 360 230 thousand

Apparently the Nintendo DS and Wii which are selling well are squeezed, and it seems that PSP is the most popular game machine this year at the moment. Against the background shipments exceeded 2.5 million,It became a smash hit "Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G"Is it because there is a large presence?

Also, Xbox 360 is regrettably at the bottom despite the unexpected success of PS2, the old generation machine released in 2000.

This year will be a new model of Nintendo DS"Nintendo DSi", And equipped with the highest class liquid crystal as a portable game machine"PSP-3000"In addition to this, with a new 80 GB HDD mounted vibration control "DUALSHOCK 3" bundled,New model PS3 of low power consumption model with real price cut, AndXbox 360 which HDD went down with 60 GBHas appeared, and happy events continued to the user, but which game machine is the game that ultimately gets the crown of 'the best selling game machine of the year' after controlling the Christmas shopping season.

in Note,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log