Koikeya's not red columno "Columno stick Japan's hardest golden taste" Taste review

Speaking of "Kankocho" which Koikeya has released is a hot red hot potato, but this time it is not red Columno is on sale. I am using the condiment that Gion Miyuki has issued "Japan's hardest golden bread"It seems that hotness is ten times that of hawk's nails (red peppers).

How hard is it that columnar chino which used Japan's hardest golden bowl? I prepared tea at hand and challenged.

Review from below.
Although it is not red it is painful "Columno"! "Columnocho golden flavorful taste" released on sale

The left is "Column Choose Japan's Hardest Golden Ichiban", the right is sold "Columno Hot Chili Flavor".

There is a cry of "It's painful not being red"

I am using "Japan's hardest golden bread" of western patronage worshipers throughout the country.

This is the usual raw material of columno.

And raw materials of the column not in red. The amount of spice seems to be different.

Golden Ichiba (golden red pepper) seems to have the ten times as much hot ingredients as red peppers, Japan's hardest hot pepper.

The left is "Column Choose Japan's Hardest Golden Ichiban", the right is "Columno Chote Hot Chili"

The usual colchorto is red.

When it is up, it looks like a really ordinary potato stick.

For those who are not good at pain, it was just as a columno series, both of them were painful, and it was rather rather painful that the golden Ichiba was not spicy. Because I like spicy foods, Columno is not as spicy as his name but rather sour somewhat, but it seems that the Golden Ichiban is seasoned only purely with no sourness did. Both usual columno and this columno have different taste.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt