"Hokka Hokkatei" unilaterally declares victory against "Hottato"

"Hokka Hokkatei"When"Hot moreAlthough the fierce battle of 'Bokka Hokkatei' has been unfolded in the lunch box industry, I was proud of the release of the content that can be accepted as the victory declaration on our site.

The contents declared victory is as follows.
[PDF file]08/05: An article of "Lunch box" of Hokka Hokkatei is stated.

According to the content of the PDF file, the woman himself posted an article on the August 12th issue of "bento" 5 items on the basis of independent reviewers and writers, actually eating and comparing by two people in total Among them, we evaluate each lunch winning or losing about five of "glue lunch box", "fried bento box", "pork cutlet box lunch box", "curtain inside lunch box" and "deluxe box lunch", and lunch boxes of "Hokka Hokkatei" Against a lunch box of "more relieved"4 wins and 1 lossIt was said that it was evaluation of.

In addition, before eating comparison by GIGAZINE editorial department ""Hokka Hokkatei" "Hotto more" "Homemakers or", Take-home lunchbox chain store three-trip reviewAlthough I posted it as saying that, in that case, the victory of "Kamado and", the evaluation does not change now. Or rather, it is only the size of the neighborhood's cooked omelette or raised lunch to be abnormal ... ....

in Note, Posted by darkhorse