Chiko Ramen Tomozuna room stream Kimchi pot wind in active sumo wrestling room has a deep taste
From Monday, November 5, we bought Nissin 's newly released Nikko "Kuchiko Ramen Tomosane room flow Kimchi pot style". There seems to be characteristics of each of the sumo wrestlers in their respective taste, and among them, it seems that chanko of Tomoyuki is said to be exquisite, how much can you reproduce that taste?
Details are as follows.
Nissin Foods: Product Information: Product List: Active Sumo Room's Chanko Ramen Tsuyoshi Room Style Kimchi Pot Style
raw materials. Garlic sprouts and spiny rags are included as ingredients.
340 kcal per meal
Two bags and liquid soup at last.
Put in 2 bags of water.
Pour hot water and wait 4 minutes. Warm the liquid soup over the lid.
After 4 minutes, put liquid soup.
Stir it and it will be completed.
There are plenty of Kimchi Ramen, but the soup is not just a Kimchi soup, it has a deep flavor with seafood noodles. It seems that the characteristics of Kuchuko in the Tomonori room are making the taste of pepper and crabs effective, and the degree of reproduction is likely to be high. It feels good to eat crispy crispy texture and fertile garlic sprouts and quite a volume.
In addition, it seems that Senshukai sells sets including other rooms' chanko.
Since the recipe of how to make Chanko is released on the official site of Tomusune room, it may be good to try making it at home.
Tomoyuki Room Tominaga Room Wind Kanko Recipe
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