Nissin releases "Chiko Ramen" Tomoseki Room Stream Kimchi Pot Wind "in an active contingent room

It seems that Nissin is going to release what is called "active-sumo wrestler's chan chan ramen series" pursuing the taste of the sumo wrestler's chanko pot which wrestlers active in active duty eats.

As its first step, Kaoru Ozeki belongs toTomoyuki room"Kimchi chan pot" like "Kimchi chan chanko" based on the cooperation of the master and sumo wrestlers "Chiko Ramen Tsuyoshi room flow Kimchi pot style like" created on November 5 (Monday) tax included 265 yen It will be released nationwide. It is ramen that it will be able to warm up when you eat it as the temperature is falling from now on.

Details are as follows.
The Sumo wrestler 's chanko hot pot, which the active wrestlers eat, ramen! -
Non-fried bowl shaped cup noodle
"Chiko Ramen Tomozuna room flow Kimchi pot style like active sumo wrestling room"
Information on new release

According to this release, this time, the "Sumo Room's Chanko Ramen Tsuyoshi Room Stream Kimchi Pot Wind" released this time is a medium-sized non-fried noodles with firm teething and sweetness and features of Kimchi chanchan There seem to be using dry seafood potato soup which made the taste of pepper and crab effective. The ingredients are 40% chinese cabbage kimchi and sea bream used in the sea breeze, garlic sprouts, kikuga.

By the way, in January 2008, Yokozuna / Hakko belongs as the second series of "Chiko Ramen of Active Sumo Room"Miyagino roomIt is planned that a cup noodle that reproduced the Chanchan pot.

It seems like a little unusual taste of rice noodle called Chanko taste, but what kind of thing is interesting.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log