Curry Noodle 35th Anniversary Commemorative "Red Curry" and "Spicy Curry" Tasting Review

Cup noodle red curry "and" cup noodle spicy curry "commemorating the 35th anniversary this year since Nissin 's cup noodle curry has appeared are on sale from February 4th. I bought it at a convenience store and tried it.

Review from below.
- Cup noodle curry 35th anniversary commemoration revival product -
New type cup noodle "Cup noodle spicy curry" "Cup noodle red curry" New release information

Red curry is "dry", spicy curry is "spicy and dry!"

399 kcal, 411 kcal per serving respectively.

Red curry is red as its name says. Spicy curry is black rather than curry noodles?

Pour hot water and wait 3 minutes.

Red curry with chicken on top.

Spicy curry which I could not find easily even after stirring.

Red curry seems to be a red pepper and soup of tomato, but since the acidity of tomato is not effective, it was like a chilli sauce. Thanks to the presence of fried chicken fried chicken curry. Spicy curry to the other is black pepper and garlic stamina curry soup delicious. It was a taste like curry noodle soup about 1.5 times thicker, if the ingredients became conspicuous a bit more, it was no complaints.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt