Next Intel price revision will be July, the latest quad core CPU will be half price

Previously at GIGAZINEThe price revision of Intel was done on April 22, and the latest CPU falls by about 40%I took up the story but this time it seems that prices will be revised on July 22.

And at the next price revision, the latest quad core CPU "Core 2 Quad Q 6600" which is on sale now is half price, and there is a surprise forecast that a new model will appear. When shall we buy it?

Details are as follows.
HKEPC Hardware >> IT News >> Intel's Price Reduction on July 22

According to this article, the quad-core CPU "Core 2 Quad Q6600" which is on sale now is priced at $ 530 (about 64,000 yen) from 851 dollar (about 100,000 yen) on April 22 It is said that it will be $ 266 (about 32,000 yen) on July 22. Is it less than a third compared with before April 22 ...?

Other CPUs will be price revised as follows. Also, following the current "Core 2 Quad Q6600", "Core 2 Quad Q6700" with an operation clock of 2.66 GHz seems to be released. The price is the same as the current "Core 2 Quad Q6600" at 530 dollars (about 64,000 yen).

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log