Taste potato chips Avocado Mayo taste

As a rule of thumb, if you mix avocado and mayonnaise it is quite that pretty good dressing or something like a sauce, but that does not mean that you apply it to potato chips ....

Or perhaps it is like a pleasing dip sauce with a real source, if it is like a style with eat it with chips on it.

It is no use helping a delusion to be strong and so, so I tried to eat while trying to feel the landmines.
Illustration of explanation on the back of the package.

Avocado is not kneaded in, it is powder. Mayonnaise is also powder. If you sell powder mayonnaise as you sell it, you may think that people who like mayonnaise will buy it while raging crazy.

So I tried out it. Color ... normal ....

When I try to eat ... How, the taste of the same taste as "Super tuccha moucho" I wrote earlier. In other words, it tastes only sour mayonnaise .... Because the avocado itself is a potato chips, it fuses with potato chips, only a slightly different flavor remains. Taste is just mayonnaise taste. In other words, it is a fishy odor of avocado or a butterish feeling, etc. All that is abandoned at all, and only mayonnaise is left.

So, in fact, it was pretty tasty. I personally liked it. I feel like a little dish.

2006/08/11 8:10 postscript:
Instead of "avocado" seems to have been "avocado". I did not know…. Examined try the "avocado" is of course correct notation.

Avocado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leave the address alone as it is .... Oh no.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log