Tasting review of Lawson's potato chips 'extroverted potato chips' and 'introverted potato chips' optimized for each personality

' Extrovert Potato Chips Fried Chicken Mayo Flavor, ' made for extroverts, and ' Introvert Potato Chips Truffle Salt Flavor, ' made for introverts, will be released exclusively at Lawson on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Two types of potato chips optimized for each personality were delivered to the GIGAZINE editorial department ahead of the release, so we tried eating them to see what they tasted like.
Calbee Outward-looking Potato Chips Fried Chicken Mayonnaise Flavor | Lawson Official Website
Calbee Introverted Potato Chips Truffle Salt Flavor | Lawson Official Website
On the left is 'Extrovert Potato Chips Fried Chicken Mayonnaise Flavor' and on the right is 'Introvert Potato Chips Truffle Salt Flavor'.

The packaging for the 'Extrovert Potato Chips Fried Chicken Mayonnaise Flavor' reads, 'Well, you'll have to try it before you decide!'

'These are potato chips for extroverts who love to have fun with others.'

The ingredients include potatoes, powdered soy sauce, chicken extract powder, garlic, and mayonnaise flavored powder.

The calories are 304kcal per bag.
This is what it looks like when you empty the entire bag. The aroma of mayonnaise hits you the moment you open it.

When you eat it, you can taste the mayonnaise, as well as the oily taste of fried chicken and the umami of chicken. Overall, it tastes similar to Lawson's '

Next, I will try 'Introverted Potato Chips Truffle Salt Flavor'.

'These potato chips are for introverts who tend to worry about themselves and wear themselves out without realizing it, but who enjoy spending time alone to recover.'

In addition to potatoes, ingredients include garlic powder, black pepper powder, and black truffle salt.

The calories are 304kcal per bag.

This is what's inside the bag.

When you eat one, you can feel the rich flavor and aroma unique to mushrooms. Truffle snacks are characterized by a strong flavor that you feel the moment you put it in your mouth, like garlic, but the flavor of the Introvert Potato Chips Truffle Salt Flavor spreads slowly. For this reason, the editorial staff who tried the snacks commented that 'It certainly has a strong mushroom flavor, but it tastes more like shimeji mushrooms than truffles,' and 'When you eat multiple pieces at once, the punch increases and it becomes more truffle-like.'

In addition, both 'Extroverted Potato Chips Fried Mayo Flavor' and 'Introverted Potato Chips Truffle Salt Flavor' will be released on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, for 198 yen including tax.
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in Tasting, Posted by log1o_hf