"Potato chips sesame Mayo" has a strong taste and aroma

I bought "Potato Chips Sesame Mayo" which was released on September 17th (Monday) only at convenience stores. Although it can expect the unusual flavor because it is a new product of crisp variations, what kind of taste is it?

Details are as below. It seems that sesame and mayonnaise will become a Japanese style.

There is 379 kcal in a bag.

Appearance is almost the same as ordinary potato chips.

When you open the bag, you will get a scent of intense sesame seeds that do not seem like potato chips. However, when you put it in the mouth, the taste of mayonnaise is strong, and the taste of sesame seems to be only slightly added to taste. However, the taste balance is exquisite and the taste of mayonnaise, sesame and potato has complemented each other and is very delicious. As the tongue got used to it just because the taste was intense, the taste of potatoes grew steadily stronger but still I ate it to the end all at once.

Calbee's release is here.
News Release "Potato Chips Sesame Mayo"

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log