The super cup "Beef Calbishiri Spicy Soy Sauce Ramen" is a solid instant taste

I bought Ace cook Super Cup EX "Bull Calbee Pili Soy Sauce Ramen". The volume is a perfect score as it is a super cup, but how is the taste person?

Details are as follows.
Inside is powder soup, quickly, seasoning oil.

Calvi is big. I can expect it.

Pour hot water and wait 3 minutes.

Where the lid is opened

Combine with seasoning oil and mix.

A little hot soup goes well with the soup and delicious with the sweetness of the vegetables. As it is a soy sauce base, it is not a taste with which likes and dislikes are divided so much. The main bull calbi is big, but the taste is the taste which is often found in the meat of instant noodles, which is not satisfactory. As a good or bad as a super cup, it is recommended for those who love Super Cup.

Product details are here.

Super Cup EX Cow Calbee Pili Soy Sauce Ramen

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt