by Brixit Lorenzo de la Fuente
アフリカ大陸北東部に広がるサハラ砂漠は、南極を除いて世界最大の砂漠として知られていますが、数千年前のサハラ砂漠には21世紀と全く違った光景が広がっていたそうです。文明の歴史について解説するポッドキャストを配信しているFall of Civilizations Podcastが、「かつてサハラ砂漠は緑に覆われていた」と述べ、なぜサハラ砂漠の緑が失われたのかといった理由についても解説しています。
Today, we know that Sahara Desert as a vast sea of sand and salt flats. But up until around 5,000 years ago, this is how it looked.
— Fall of Civilizations Podcast (@Fall_of_Civ_Pod) 2019年9月1日
It was a green landscape of Savannahs, lakes and rivers where early humans lived, hunted and fished.
by Carl Churchill
This era is known as the African Humid Period, and it peaked between 9,000 and 6,000 years ago.
— Fall of Civilizations Podcast (@Fall_of_Civ_Pod) 2019年9月1日
In those days, the landscape of the Sahara would have supported rolling grasslands, lakes and rivers, as well as sparse forests of trees like acacia.
It was also home to Neolithic human communities.
— Fall of Civilizations Podcast (@Fall_of_Civ_Pod) 2019年9月1日
In fact, rock paintings have been found in the central Sahara that depict abundant animal life, and even people swimming, in places that are today a barren desert.
(???? Dr. Stefan Kröpelin, Köln University)
コミュニティを形成しているのはほとんどが狩猟採集民族でしたが、やがて牛や羊の牧畜が始まりました。人々は周囲の世界を観察し、1万1000年前~7000年ほど前に描かれた「Dobous Giraffes」と呼ばれる等身大のペトログリフは、世界で最も大きな動物のペトログリフともいわれています。
These communities were largely hunter-gatherers, but were increasingly beginning to practise pastoralism, ie. keeping cows and sheep.
— Fall of Civilizations Podcast (@Fall_of_Civ_Pod) 2019年9月1日
They observed the world around them, and created incredible artworks like the so-called Dobous Giraffes (pictured).
But the days of their societies were numbered.
— Fall of Civilizations Podcast (@Fall_of_Civ_Pod) 2019年9月1日
Changes in the earth's orbit known as its orbital precession, a change in tilt that cycles every 25,000 years, forced the African monsoon rains southward, and the Sahara became drier.
Trees and large plants would have died first, until only grass remained. And then even the grass would have withered and died.
— Fall of Civilizations Podcast (@Fall_of_Civ_Pod) 2019年9月1日
Without roots to hold together the earth, the topsoil blew away, and desertification set in.
While estimates vary wildly, some believe that this process could have taken only a few hundred years.
— Fall of Civilizations Podcast (@Fall_of_Civ_Pod) 2019年9月1日
Human societies fled the advance of the desert, moving to the coasts. Their populations concentrated there, and they built settled societies that lived in cities.
サハラ砂漠の例は、地球の変化が自然や人々の生活を劇的に変化させることを思い起こさせる事例といえます。「歴史とは変化の記録であり、私たちが当たり前だと思うことは、それほど当たり前ではないことを思い出させます」と、Fall of Civilizations Podcastは締めくくりました。
The Green Sahara reminds us of the dramatic changes that can arise from even gradual planetary shifts.
— Fall of Civilizations Podcast (@Fall_of_Civ_Pod) 2019年9月1日
It reminds us that history is a record of change, and that things we often take for granted are not as certain as we might think.
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モロッコ南部、西サハラのどこまでも広がる果てないサハラ砂漠の美しさと道路を横切る野生のらくだ達 - GIGAZINE
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家の庭や砂漠でさえも肥沃な土地に変えることができる方法とは? - GIGAZINE
in メモ, Posted by log1h_ik
You can read the machine translated English article The Sahara Desert, the world's large….