UIのビジュアルデザインにおけるちょっとしたコツをまとめた「Little UI Details」
TightenやLaravelのデザインを担当したSteve Schoger(@steveschoger)さんによる、ビジュアルデザインにおけるコツをまとめたモーメント「Little UI Details」が公開されています。
Little UI Details
Adding a subtle shadow to white text when on a bright background not only makes it more legible but helps it 'pop' more. pic.twitter.com/p9rudeFxvP
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月29日
Make your gradients appear more vibrant by adjusting the hue by a few degrees (10º or 20º max) in either direction. pic.twitter.com/Op8Wrme3V4
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月26日
Really love the hover state on Stripe's website. 1px shift up with the increased drop shadow spread. Details like this go a long way pic.twitter.com/bC7y6pji23
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月23日
Giving your box shadows a slight, vertical offset helps to make them look more natural. pic.twitter.com/WcPsK8yFwu
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月20日
Aligning text is an easy way to clean up your design and make your content much more scannable. pic.twitter.com/KhUT5l0kW1
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月15日
Pure grey text always looks "off" on a colored background. A quick fix is to saturate your text with a bit of the background hue. pic.twitter.com/eKxW4jSSs8
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月12日
If I am using icons that have more weight than the text, I typically make the icons slightly lighter than the text for inactive states pic.twitter.com/nlqB3Q2uNg
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月8日
Using a generic icon like an arrow or a checkmark instead of the standard bullet is a great way to add visual interest to unordered lists. pic.twitter.com/hE5BEKEpqh
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月7日
Adding a hint of color (4 to 6px) to the top of your hero is a simple trick to bring more liveliness to your design. pic.twitter.com/cdwzjRh5NN
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月6日
This trick also works great on modals and, in some cases, panels. Using a 2 color gradient also adds a nice touch pic.twitter.com/4EVxntQoq5
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月6日
A technique I've been using lately on panels to distinguish the titles instead of a keyline is using subtle contrast: pic.twitter.com/RWOcPZR8Xh
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月5日
Along with size and weight, using color and contrast is a great way to create typographic hierarchy. pic.twitter.com/TkIMj39Urj
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月2日
If in doubt, 16px font with 1.5 line height is pretty good safe for body copy. pic.twitter.com/s2opWaBT0l
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年6月1日
Quick tip: All-caps can sometimes be difficult to read. Consider using letter-spacing to give your text a little more room to breathe pic.twitter.com/FCQk0vrZE9
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年5月31日
How to make a stylish map with no graphic design skills pic.twitter.com/CluMrSpSSX
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年7月6日
Keylines are not only great for dividing content but also making disconnected content feel more connected. pic.twitter.com/Hdx8gTJbJf
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年7月5日
Using multiples to define your spacing is a great way to achieve vertical rhythm and provides a formula to justify your choices pic.twitter.com/0MCNFaZVrS
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年7月13日
彩度を落とした写真+大胆な配色+CSSのブレンドモード(blend-mode: multiply)は、ヒーローバナーとテキストのコントラストを高めるのに最適です。
Desaturated photo + bold color + blend-mode: multiply. Great for hero banners and creating high contrast for text. pic.twitter.com/1BqHw5oyKL
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年7月20日
Overlapping elements on a page is a great way to create depth and encourage users to scroll pic.twitter.com/kD9gGUDH5y
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年7月31日
A subtle link for negative secondary actions often works better than a big bold button.
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年8月2日
(Just make sure you have a confirmation step!) pic.twitter.com/lqjBovKA1z
It's all about creating hierarchy. You want your primary button to stand out much more than your secondary/danger actions. pic.twitter.com/H3pPzWt7fo
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年8月2日
Too many borders can make a design look really busy. Here's a few ideas that are a bit more subtle: pic.twitter.com/JEIrjAS5YL
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年8月16日
This two-column form layout is great for organizing long forms and filling wider screens without using awkward long form fields. pic.twitter.com/KbErS8hJHM
— Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) 2017年9月7日
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in デザイン, Posted by logu_ii
You can read the machine translated English article "Little UI Details" summarizing some tip….