
We are exploring the believed location of historic aircraft carrier IJN Akagi, sunk in the WWII Battle of Midway. Join the 1st visual survey of the ship and to honor the lives lost here in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.
— E/V Nautilus (@EVNautilus) September 10, 2023
Streaming now: https://t.co/zhUi3dRm4b pic.twitter.com/Z959Gg1imC
The #shipwreck of Akagi was discovered & provisionally identified by @VulcanInc's RV Petrel, using sonar, in 2019. The #live feed from @EVNautilus in the next few minutes will be the 1st time Akagi will have been seen since she sank on 5th June 1942. #WW2 https://t.co/wY1KQHCgYt
— Dr Phil Weir (@navalhistorian) September 10, 2023
Nautilus Live | Channel 1 Stream - YouTube


Above the bow & anchor chains & stocks of the #WW2 Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Akagi, scuttled on 5th June 1942 after damaged suffered at the Battle of Midway.
— Dr Phil Weir (@navalhistorian) September 11, 2023
(via the @EVNautilus #live feed) https://t.co/wY1KQHBJ8V pic.twitter.com/aiMU8ggYZI
The bow of the #WW2 Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Akagi, scuttled on 5th June 1942 after damaged suffered at the Battle of Midway, seemingly buried pretty deep into the seabed, 17566ft below the surface of the Pacific.
— Dr Phil Weir (@navalhistorian) September 11, 2023
(via the @EVNautilus #live feed) pic.twitter.com/2kSjXoP4cs
The stunning sight of a section of the underside of the flight deck of the #WW2 Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Akagi, peeled back following bomb damage suffered during the Battle of Midway of 4th June 1942.
— Dr Phil Weir (@navalhistorian) September 11, 2023
(via the @EVNautilus #live feed) https://t.co/67485jxMGM pic.twitter.com/cKOuRkVhHm
Above the stern of the #WW2 Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Akagi, lost at the Battle of Midway on 5th June 1942, now resting 17,550ft below the surface of the Pacific.
— Dr Phil Weir (@navalhistorian) September 11, 2023
(via the @EVNautilus #live feed) https://t.co/67485jxMGM pic.twitter.com/fuOnmXqfAB
The stern anchor & stern of the #WW2 Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Akagi, lost at the Battle of Midway on 5th June 1942, now resting 17,550ft below the surface of the Pacific.
— Dr Phil Weir (@navalhistorian) September 11, 2023
(via the @EVNautilus #live feed) https://t.co/67485jxMGM pic.twitter.com/MWHzf9Jcnp
Looks like one of the twin, 25mm, Type 96 anti-aircraft guns on the starboard side of the #WW2 Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Akagi, lost at the Battle of Midway on 5th June 1942, now resting 17,550ft below the surface of the Pacific.
— Dr Phil Weir (@navalhistorian) September 11, 2023
(via the @EVNautilus #live feed) pic.twitter.com/NJIfqvgDjG
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You can read the machine translated English article The aircraft carrier Akagi has been seen….