


Giant Hands Emerge From a Venice Canal to Raise Climate Change Awareness - Creators

ヴェネツィアの運河から出現した2本の巨大な白い腕「Support」はこんな感じ。この腕が支えている建物は、文化的名所にもなっているという14世紀のビサンティンとゴシックの混成様式の建物「Ca' Sagredo Hotel」です。

Ca' Sagredo Hotelは、Googleマップで見ると以下の場所に位置しています。


For this year's Venice Art Biennale, Italian Artist Lorenzo Quinn (@lorenzoquinnartist) built two massive hands rising from a canal. Titled "Support," Quinn's artwork serves as a visual reminder how Venice (and the world) is threatened by rising sea levels caused by climate change. Photo by @write_marina. Link in bio.

Creatorsさん(@creators_project)がシェアした投稿 -


A big thank you to all for your comments and likes. It's been overwhelming. I wish I could thank each and everyone of you individually. This sculpture 'Support' placed in Venice at Ca' Sagredo, coinciding with the opening of the Venice Biennale, wants to speak to the people in a clear, simple and direct way through the innocent hands of a child and it evokes a powerful message which is that united we can make a stand to curb the climate change that affects us all. We must all collectively think of how we can protect our planet and by doing that we can protect our national heritage sites... Support our planet support our heritage! A warm hug, Lorenzo THE INSTALLATION WILL BE AT CA' SAGREDO UNTIL NOVEMBER 26th a #halcyongallery #casagredohotelvenice #lorenzoquinn #lorenzoquinnartist #biennale2017 #LorenzoQuinnVenice #support #supportart #worldheritage #worldheritagesite

Lorenzo Quinnさん(@lorenzoquinnartist)がシェアした投稿 -


'SUPPORT' in Venice to support this wonder of city that is threatened by climate change like many other world Heritage sites around the world. I hope my art brings a new focus of attention to a global calamity that we are faced with. Art in 'Support' of art: Venice is now the art capital of the world during the Venice Biennale but the city of art is threatened and needs our help and protection. ------A big thank you to the city of Venice and especially to its Mayor Luigi Brugnaro for believing in this installation from the beginning, to Ca' Sagredo hotel represented by Lorenza Lain (the force of Nature) to C and C architectural Studio, Fulvio Caputo, Marco Zanon, Ufficine delle Zattere, Luisa Flora, Tecmolde, Julio and Irene Luzan and the entire team, She Digital, Grupoo Orseolo with Rein srl and the Gondolieri of Venice. To my super team in Spain at Quinn Creations To my family, my wife and especially my son Anthony for letting me use his hands, and of course to @halcyongallery , representanted by Paul Green, Udi Sheleg and assisted by Shani, Helga and all in the gallery, because without their continued organizational, moral, artistic and financial 'support' none of this could have happened. #biennale2017venezia #biennale2017 #lorenzoquinn #lorenzoquinnartist #venezia #halcyongallery #support #supportart #climatechange Video credit: Sam Ramsden @dojofilms_sam

Lorenzo Quinnさん(@lorenzoquinnartist)がシェアした投稿 -


Sneak preview to something big about to happen! So excited about this and so lucky to have a great team behind me. #halcyongallery #venicebiennale2017 #art #installation @halcyongallery #LorenzoQuinnVenice

Lorenzo Quinnさん(@lorenzoquinnartist)がシェアした投稿 -


Couldn't finish today... 8 am start. Come visit. Thanks to the team for a great job #venicebiennale2017 #halcyongallery #lorenzoquinn #venezia #lorenzoquinnartist #LorenzoQuinnVenice

Lorenzo Quinnさん(@lorenzoquinnartist)がシェアした投稿 -


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in アート, Posted by darkhorse_log

You can read the machine translated English article here.