'Don't use SNS as a base for your online activities'

Many online creators focus their activities on social media rather than on their own websites. However, social media can suddenly change its rules, and changes to the social media platform's operating policies can often restrict a creator's activities. Marketing consultant Chris Zukowski explains the disadvantages of using social media as the base for your online activities and how to solve them.

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Zukowski likens his online base to a castle. His official website is like a small castle on a remote island.

Away from the islands, there are countries where many people gather. This is social media.

Since anyone can build their own castle on SNS, activists also build large castles on SNS. Many people gather around the large castles they build on SNS, but no one visits the small castles on their own islands.

Even once-popular SNSs gradually become boring to people, and they move to other SNSs.

When people move to another social networking site, they might think that they should move their castle as well.

However, the rules of SNS are decided arbitrarily by the SNS administrators, and they may suddenly start charging for services. A paid SNS is like a 'fortress surrounded by huge walls,' and it becomes impossible to enter and exit casually.

In addition, many racist and violent people move into social media, and the operators of social media sites are sometimes replaced by suspicious people.

In order to continue your activities without being affected by such 'changes in SNS rules' or 'changes in SNS user demographics,' it is recommended that you spend the money to improve your 'official website' by introducing improvements such as 'obtaining your own domain' and 'managing a mailing list.' Also, if you have a blog, using a blog service may restrict your activities due to changes in the service's rules, just like SNS, so the best solution is to 'run the blog on a website you own.'

Even if you put effort into your official website, you don't have to stop attracting customers through social media. Zukowski emphasizes that you should actively promote your official website by posting phrases such as 'Join our mailing list' and 'Visit our official website' on social media. This is like building a 'flashy, eye-catching, shabby tower in another kingdom' and saying, 'If you really want to follow me, please cross the sea and join my kingdom.'

Many people include phrases like 'Join us on Discord' or 'Follow us on Facebook' in their posts on social media, but this is like directing people from one country to another. When directing people to another place, your first priority should be to direct them to your official site.

Zukowski also points out that 'about every two years, a new social networking site that allows users to easily gain a lot of followers appears on the Internet. This is because these sites invest large amounts of money in offering cheap ad space and free services in order to steal customers from other social networking sites. As time passes after the service launches, ad space will become more expensive and there is a possibility that the service will start to cost money.' He warns people against jumping on new social networking sites that seem like they can easily attract customers.

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf