Headline news for September 30, 2024

Machi★Asobi is one of the largest subculture events in western Japan, having been held twice a year (three times a year at one point) in Tokushima since

Vol.1 in the fall of 2009 , and going on hiatus with Vol.27 in the fall of 2023. In preparation for its revival in spring 2025, Premachi★Asobi will be held this weekend, Saturday, October 5, 2024.

Machi Asobi

On October 5th, from 1:30pm to 3pm, a ' kick-off meeting ' will be held, which will include a look back at Machi★Asobi and a public planning meeting for the future. Appearing on stage will be Aniplex producer Takahashi Yuuma, Tokushima Prefecture Vice-Governor Murakami Koji, NPO Bizan University representative Hasegawa Shinri, and Machi★Asobi organizer Oketa Daisuke, a lawyer. The event will be moderated by Nippon Broadcasting System announcer Yoshida Hisaki.

In addition, a 90-minute talk event titled ' Returning? Talk with Industry Insiders ' is scheduled for 3:30pm to 5pm. The speakers will be CyberAgent producer Manami Kabashima, CoMix Wave Film producer Noriyoshi Kawaguchi, and Aniplex producer Takahashi. The moderator will be Mr. Okeda.

The 'Industry Talk Event' has been held since Machi★Asobi vol.1, and is an event where bigwigs from the anime and game industries gather together. At one time, the first part was streamed and the second part was closed, but in the later stages, there were secret talks that were off limits to anyone under the iron rule of ' don't say, don't write, don't tweet .'

This time, the two events mentioned above will be held in the Tokugin Tomoni Plaza main conference room , and will be live-streamed and archived.

Other events planned include a gourmet hunt where you can get an original postcard by visiting various stores and meeting certain conditions, a stamp rally around Tokushima city, a cosplay event where the riverside park will become a photo spot, and special 'Demon Slayer: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba' collaborative sweets with wrapping.

An example of a gourmet hunt looks like this.

The gourmet hunt at 'Machi Asobi vol.27', which had a wide variety of dishes such as conger eel, sudachi chikuwa, and Vietnamese cuisine, was like this - GIGAZINE

Past collaboration sweets have looked like this:

Collaboration sweets for 'Idolish Seven', 'Fate', 'Today's Meal at Emiya's House' and Machi★Asobi vol.21 look like this - GIGAZINE

Also, examples of past cosplay are like this.

[Image Summary] 'Machi★Asobi vol.20' where beautiful girls and cosplayers with explosive worldviews gathered together - GIGAZINE

Cosplay will be held for two days, October 5th (Sat) and 6th (Sun), and registration is required for each day of participation. Participation fees are 1,500 yen for adults, 500 yen for high school students and younger (must show a student ID or driver's license that can verify date of birth), and free for elementary school students and younger or one person to help with changing clothes. Elementary school students and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to participate in cosplay. Also, if cosplayers are taking photos, camera registration is not required, but if you are only taking photos with a camera without cosplaying, you will need to register as a photographer (1,500 yen). Registration is not required if your only photography equipment is a smartphone. Cosplay and camera participants can also register on the day, but a 1,000 yen registration fee is required. For details, please check the official Comi-es website below.

Pre-Machi Asobi (Awa Paper Waterfront Park Cosplay Event)

By the way, we published the following article on the same day in the same month in the past.

Experts say the era in which forests absorb carbon dioxide is over, and climate change has turned forests from carbon sinks to carbon emitters - GIGAZINE

Research shows that elderly people who frequently use the internet have an overwhelmingly lower risk of dementia - GIGAZINE

'Ulitza' shows at a glance who the origin of the street name is and how much it is used - GIGAZINE

It is pointed out that NFTs are dead and mostly worthless - GIGAZINE

American Automobile Association survey reveals that automatic braking on modern vehicles is ineffective in real-world driving - GIGAZINE

'NESOS', an OS with a GUI that runs on the Famicom, is born - GIGAZINE

An app that removes ads from Instagram quickly removes them just one day after its release - GIGAZINE

A new commercial for Chicken Ramen features the melody of 'Taberungo no Uta' and the lyrics 'Cabbage Salad Taberungo' - GIGAZINE

I ate 'Tokyo Gurumen', the only standing soba restaurant on the Tokyo Station platform, before it closed - GIGAZINE

The principle of 'Baikal Zen', a natural phenomenon resembling a Japanese garden in which a stone sits on an ice pedestal, is elucidated - GIGAZINE

Google announces major power-up of its search engine, including new features that tell you how to fix things you don't know the name of - GIGAZINE

It turns out that humans can live up to 130 years old, but it depends on luck - GIGAZINE

AI creates ultra-realistic portraits of 54 Roman emperors' faces restored from sculptures - GIGAZINE

Burger King uses AI to make a commercial and it turns out to be a ridiculous product - GIGAZINE

Ropeway guide announcement for 'Machi Asobi vol.21' where Riku Nanase and Ten Kujo from 'Idolish Seven' talk to you - GIGAZINE

'Tokushima Station Anime Jack' where the station is decorated with decorations from the movie 'Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel]' - GIGAZINE

◆ Material (notes and other things)

◆Science (science, learning, technology)
Huge amount of human bones and weapons reveal the horrifying reality of a battle 3,250 years ago in Germany (1/2) - CNN.co.jp

The Kyoto Freshwater Pufferfish Research Institute has discovered the surprising reason why pufferfish become unable to balance properly due to illness and end up lying down. People are surprised → 'I often see people who cannot follow this rule...' - Togetter

It turns out that magma accumulated in the Kikai Caldera over 9,000 years, causing a massive eruption | National Geographic Japan website

Tokyo University of Science born through 'Second Tokyo University' concept: Future aimed at by merging two winning schools: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ Society, politics, and economy (incidents, world news, business)
'I think that's what made many lawmakers decide on Ishiba.' Shigeru Ishiba's 'apology' in final appeal before runoff election LDP presidential election: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

LDP President Ishiba announces House of Representatives election voting plan for October 27th Secretary-General Moriyama, General Affairs Chairman Suzuki, Policy Research Council Chairman Onodera, Election Campaign Chairman Koizumi | NHK | House of Representatives Election

Russia bans Ishiba from entering the country for 'proposing an Asian version of NATO' | Kyodo News

Ishiba becomes new president of the LDP, fellow railroad fan Seiji Maehara rejoices: 'I'm the opposition party member who goes drinking the most' | Society | Local News | Kyoto Shimbun

'I'm sorry to former Prime Minister Abe,' says Sanae Takaichi after losing the presidential election | Mainichi Shimbun

Katsunobu Kato, who came in last in the presidential election, received only 16 votes from lawmakers, failing to reach the number of endorsements required, and five of them were pulled out - Sankei News

Shigeru Ishiba and Yoshihiko Noda of the CDP, who are attracting attention in the LDP presidential election, talk about their determination to 'restore a parliament where we can have proper discussions' | Nikkan SPA!

Takaichi's rapid rise, local tours and online tactics successful, Ishimaru's supporters spread on SNS [LDP]: Asahi Shimbun Digital

LDP President Ishiba tones down his slush fund talk; accuser warns: 'Don't be fooled by the sense of innovation' | Mainichi Shimbun

Why is it difficult to say that the incorrect use of the term 'collective security' by the new president of the Liberal Democratic Party, Shigeru Ishiba, is completely wrong? | Yuichi Hosoya | International Politics Scholar

Koizumi unexpectedly loses momentum as 'next generation leader candidate' fails to make it to runoff election | Mainichi Shimbun

Taro Kono receives shocking 2% votes from party members in the presidential election. He was the clear winner three years ago. Internet users comment, 'He's fallen,' 'What's going on,' and 'What a huge decline.' Entertainment/Daily Sports Online

Governor Saito reflects on his actions and words on his last visit to the office before losing his job - YouTube

[Breaking News] Governor Saito, who lost his job, takes to the streets in the morning, repeating 'Good morning' greetings without giving any explanation or pledges. Former Amagasaki mayor and others also intend to run in the gubernatorial election (Published on September 30, 2024) | NTV NEWS NNN

Resistance to Russia is 'irresponsible': Hungarian Prime Minister's advisor calls for non-resistance surrender, sparking outrage 1 photo International News: AFPBB News

Inside: 'Defeating Keidanren': LDP conservatives' attitude toward proposal for optional separate surnames for married couples | Mainichi Shimbun

Norinchukin Bank's bond unrealized loss problem expert meeting begins to investigate cause | NHK | Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

China's most advanced nuclear submarine sinks in the Yangtze River before commissioning, US official points out 'China is covering it up': Asahi Shimbun Digital

China 'covered up' sinking of state-of-the-art nuclear submarine, US defense official says - 3 photos International News: AFPBB News

Chinese nuclear submarine sinks in the Yangtze River, US reports say incident was covered up before commissioning | Mainichi Shimbun

Marshall Islands demands UN apology for US nuclear tests 67 times at Bikini Atoll, etc. 5 photos International News: AFPBB News

JR Nanao Line to remove unmanned ticket vending machines from six stations until the end of September due to failure to meet passenger standards and new banknotes | Economy | Ishikawa News | Hokuriku Shimbun

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation lifts ban on side jobs... All 30,000 employees will be eligible, including private businesses and employment contracts: Yomiuri Shimbun

President Biden plans to provide military aid to Ukraine totaling over 1 trillion yen | NHK | President Zelensky

The Stars and Stripes and the Star of David: 'Israel is the same as Pearl Harbor' - why they resonate with the American Christian right | Mainichi Shimbun

Returning bonito falls 30% due to bumper catch; catches of autumn fish such as saury are good - Nihon Keizai Shimbun

New Money Forward company to be named 'Money Forward Home' - Nikkei Newspaper

China's Ministry of Defense 'firmly opposes provocative acts' as Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer passes through the Taiwan Strait | NHK | China

Chinese ambassador to Japan: 'Boy's death: both countries need to calmly deal with the matter' | NHK | China

Allegations of illicit funds: hand-delivery to account transfers since 2018; testimony of 'Aso's decision' | Mainichi Shimbun

'From death row inmates to citizens' - Applause erupts, prosecutors dissatisfied | Kyodo News

Foreigner rapes and murders female student in France Interior Minister declares 'I will protect the people' 1 photo International News: AFPBB News

Disabled groups oppose abolishing health insurance cards, worried about use of My Number cards | Kyodo News

'Accidents caused by microwave heating, etc.' NITE | NHK | Accidents

Okinawa Prefectural Police arrest 76-year-old man for assaulting Defense Agency employee on road at Henoko dump accident site - Sankei News

Gun stuck to MRI machine... Marijuana investigation causes chaos, lawsuit filed in California, US - 1 photo International News: AFPBB News

Stock price falls by 1,910 yen at closing, the fifth largest drop in history | NHK | Today's stock price

Three men break into Parisian Michelin three-star chef Kobayashi's home, wife seriously injured: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Another Hokkaido University teacher also sued for 'eviction,' was denied expenses, and even sold his car | Mainichi Shimbun

Abuse in nursing homes, 'day labor' staff on matching apps, labor shortage behind: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Suzuki Eight: 'Will the last piece be filled?' Photo of Abe and the former Unification Church: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Former Amagasaki mayor Inamura to run for Hyogo gubernatorial election after receiving request from political group; formal announcement expected in early October | Society | Kobe Shimbun NEXT

This is the Social Affairs Department/Nissan Leaf defective/Rust caused by 'water pooling structure' causing bolts to fall off/Users appeal to this newspaper

[Exclusive] After announcing he will not run in the LDP presidential election, Prime Minister Kishida seeks to reach a Japan-North Korea summit and seeks to resolve the abduction issue - Sankei News

Trump calls Harris 'mentally ill' over illegal immigration issue - 5 photos International News: AFPBB News

Far-right party becomes biggest party in Austrian election as right-wing forces continue to make gains in Europe - BBC News

Communist Party to field maximum number of candidates in Lower House election, review cooperation with CDP: Jiji.com

Extraordinary Diet Session: LDP 'intends to hold for nine days until the 9th' Constitutional Democratic Party 'unacceptable' | NHK | House of Representatives Election

[List] New LDP executive committee launched under President Ishiba, with Suga as vice president, Moriyama as secretary-general, Suzuki as chairman of the general affairs committee, and cabinet members also finalized | NHK | LDP executive personnel changes

Iwao Hakamada's retrial: growing calls for review of retrial law as he is manipulated by the judiciary and becomes mentally ill... Ministry of Justice is cold, calling it a 'de facto four-trial system': Yomiuri Shimbun

'Itadakijo Riri-chan' appeal trial, prison sentence reduced to 8 years and 6 months and fine of 8 million yen... Judge: 'The host has paid part of the money': Yomiuri Shimbun

Hokkaido University faculty survey on 'expulsion' victim criticizes 'Faculty Council' | Mainichi Shimbun

Traveling through a divided America: What's happening in the town where Trump rumours of immigrants eating cats and dogs arose | Mainichi Shimbun

Israeli airstrikes kill 105, damage hospitals, homes in Lebanon - CNN.co.jp

Ukrainian military 'attacks Russian ammunition depot' drone attack? | NHK | Ukraine situation

◆ Lifestyle (life, living, health)
Amur tiger 'Ichi' gives birth | Tokyo Zoo Net

I'm planning a trip to Shanghai, but there are no Chinese travel books at all and I feel the tourism market is declining... → Locals say 'Tourism in China is too difficult' and 'Only experts are allowed' - Togetter [Togetter]

Mysterious online product 'bamboo slips' become a hot topic → The origin of the words 'edit' and 'delete' - How they were used at the time 'Were they really woven?' - Togetter [Togetter]

A story about how a super beautiful woman can be ruined if she doesn't have the skill to handle her beauty - she is at the mercy of too many temptations, jealousy from her peers, sexual harassment... - Togetter

◆IT/Gadgets (Internet, software, hardware, mobile)
My Kin-Do broke even though I didn't do anything, so I'm going to restart it - Kin-Do

Canon ships first next-generation semiconductor manufacturing equipment to U.S. group - Nikkei Newspaper

A video of a guy modifying his mouse to send pages at lightning speed - Nico Nico Douga

I tried making my own AirTag with ESP32 (OpenHayStack + HomeAssistant + ESPHome) - Asial Tech Blog

Recommendation system using knowledge graph and LLM - Insight Edge Tech Blog

NTT East and West announce price hike for 'INS Net' - INTERNET Watch

If you are a YouTube Premium subscriber, the channel owner can earn money just by watching posted videos and broadcasts → In effect, you are sending a little bit of Super Chat to everyone - Togetter [Togetter]

When I went to a second-hand shop, I found a PC part worth about 60,000 yen being sold for only 990 yen... I thought it was junk, but when I bought it, it worked fine → How did this happen? - Togetter [Togetter]

[Special Feature] The 'war criminals' who don't understand USB at all. A clear explanation of 'Gen notation' - PC Watch

Free Wi-Fi at stations, trains, and buses is being discontinued one after another! What is the reason for its disappearance? - OTONA LIFE | Adult Life

Understanding JavaScript asynchronous processing ~async/await/Promise~ #promise - Qiita

Fujitsu Launches Takane, the World's Best Large-Scale Language Model for Japanese Language Applications

◆Anime, games, manga (subculture)
Tokyo Game Show sees record-high 985 companies and organizations exhibit, including new game consoles equipped with AI image processing functions | NHK | Generative AI/Artificial Intelligence

Tokyo Game Show attracts overseas visitors after E3 is cancelled, Saudi Arabia's Prince joins in - Nikkei Newspaper

[Hand-drawn] Kanata became a legend after a broadcast accident [Amane Kanata/HoloLive] - NicoNico Douga

Mosquito blood removal - Niconico Video

Yuji Horii on the 'Looks A/B' of the HD-2D version of 'Dragon Quest 3': 'Who would complain if it was a man or a woman? I don't get it.' He also mentioned the change in the costume design of the female warrior | Game Information! Game Talk

A manga artist famous for his moe drawings suddenly posts 'It's been 70 years since my debut!', confusing readers - Togetter

'Why is his butt so exposed?' MapleStory collaboration signboard's Tanjiro is suspected of having a perky butt...! - Togetter

'Suicide Squad: Another World' Harley Quinn is cute - 30 minutes of Harley's cute scenes compiled ❤ - YouTube

Released on Friday, November 29, 2024 'PUI PUI Molcar The Movie MOLMAX' Trailer - YouTube

Released on Friday, November 29, 2024 'PUI PUI Molcar The Movie MOLMAX' Special Announcement 2 - YouTube

'Reincarnated Nobleman, Rising to the Top with Appraisal Skills Season 2' Non-credit ED video | Yuki Tanaka 'Familiar' | Broadcast every Sunday from 11:30 pm - YouTube

'Twist' animation PV_ 'Lost in the book with Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas ~The Beginning of Halloween~' - YouTube

Commemorating the decision to produce Season 2! TV anime 'Grand Blue' will be available for free on Saeson 1 (all 12 episodes) [until 23:59 on Friday, October 11th] - YouTube

'My Dangerous One' movie version production decided!! - YouTube

The second season of the TV anime 'Wistria of the Cane and Sword' has been decided! | The first season is currently streaming on all streaming sites! - YouTube

TV anime 'You are the underworld.' Main PV | Broadcast on Saturday, October 5, 2024-YouTube

'Tower of God - Workshop Battle' non-credit opening video | Stray Kids 'NIGHT' - YouTube

'Funeral of Freelen' TV anime 2nd season announcement video - YouTube

Anime 'I'm a Guild Receptionist, but I Don't Want to Work Overtime, so I'm Going to Defeat the Boss Solo' Character PV Executioner Ver. (CV. Rie Takahashi) | Broadcast starts in January 2025! - YouTube

TV anime 'Ranma 1/2' non-credit opening | ano 'Fiancé' / 'Ranma1/2' Opening Movie - YouTube

'TO BE HERO X' Character Concept Movie 'Nice Edition' | Broadcast on Fuji TV in 2025! / bilibili × Aniplex New Project - YouTube

TV anime 'Mechaude' broadcast PV [Broadcast starts from 24:30 on Thursday, October 3, 2024!] - YouTube

'Danmachi V: The Goddess of Fertility' Pre-release video ③ (broadcast from October 4, 2024!) - YouTube

[Breaking News!] 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime' 2nd Movie and 4th Season of TV Anime to be Produced - YouTube

TV anime 'A Country Old Man Becomes a Sword Saint' Character PV 1st (Beryl Gardenant) - YouTube

Anime 'SAO Alternative Gun Gale Online' Episode 12.5 'GALA' - YouTube

TV anime 'Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-' 3rd season promotional CM | Broadcast starts from October 2nd - YouTube

TV anime 'The Restarting Lady is Conquering His Majesty the Dragon Emperor' Episode 1 WEB Preview 'When I tried to avoid the ruin route, I somehow ended up proposing to my greatest enemy' - YouTube

TV anime 'The Ghost of Grief Wants to Retire' pre-broadcast commercial | Broadcast starts every Tuesday from 23:30 from 10/1 (Tue)! - YouTube

'Life is Strange Double Exposure' TGS2024 Trailer-YouTube

Making of 'Kunitsuga: Path of the Goddess' #3: Music - YouTube

[Genshin Impact] 4th Anniversary Theme Song 'Memory Journey' / HOYO-MiX feat. Mika Nakashima - YouTube

'Front Mission The First: Remake' Mercenaries DLC Official Trailer - YouTube

'Venus Vacation PRISM - DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme -' Teaser Trailer-YouTube

[Genshin] Ver.5.1 Official PV 'Rainbow Light of Burning Fate' - YouTube

Game 'FAIRY TAIL 2' Promotional Trailer 2nd Edition - YouTube

'Rogue Flight' scheduled for release at the end of 2024 - YouTube

'The Red Alchemist and the White Guardian: Atelier Leslieana' Teaser Trailer - YouTube

◆Sports, entertainment, music, movies (entertainment)

The third game of the five-game 'Oza' match begins at a hotel in Kyoto | NHK Kansai News

[Game 3 of the Oza Tournament] Fujii, the Oza, forces a knight exchange and uses the subway rook. Nagase 9-dan counters with a silver yagura. 70 moves before the lunch break - Sponichi Annex Entertainment

72nd Shogi Championship Five-game Match, Game 3 - Nihon Keizai Shimbun

◆New products (clothing, food, housing)
The latest addition to the 'Combination with Origin' series! 'Melting Texture Gyutto Mikan' made with juice from Arita Mikan oranges from Wakayama Prefecture, a traditional Japanese mandarin orange with 450 years of history, will be released on Tuesday, October 1st!

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt