I played 'Vim Racer', a game that competes for the speed of using the text editor 'Vim'

In the text editor '
Vim Racer - An Online Game for VIM Navigation
When you access the site, it looks like this. As it says 'Click the editor to start', clicking on the editor will start the game.

I actually played one game.
When you start the game, the timer in the upper right corner will start.

The bottom right corner shows the current cleared status and the number of navigations per minute (NPM). The challenge is to see who can move the cursor to the specified position 12 times in the shortest time.
I cleared it in 20.789 seconds. Click 'Submit Score' to submit your score.

Just enter your name in the 'Username' field and click 'Submit'.
Scroll down the page and you will see a hint. Click 'Show Spoiler'.

You can move the cursor using the 'h', 'j', 'k', and 'l' keys, and you can use the '%' key to move the cursor to the position where various parentheses are paired.

If you scroll down the page further, the leaderboard will appear. Click 'Load' to load the rankings.

The ranking, name, time taken, NPM, and key used are displayed. Click 'Display'.

It shows which keys each user used, which can be used as a reference. In Vim, in addition to simple up, down, left and right movement with 'hjkl', you can also move to the end of the file with 'Shift + g' and move to the beginning of the word before the cursor with 'b'. In order to rank high, it is necessary to make full use of these movement methods to move explosively fast.

In addition to the default '12 Targets' race, you can also choose '20 Targets,' '14 Targets,' '22 Targets,' '25 Targets,' or '10 Targets.'

In addition to the 'Standard' mode, in which you are assigned to a fixed location in a fixed order, there is also a 'Randomized' mode in which a random location is assigned each time.

There is also a game called ' VimGolf ' where the goal is not to test your Vim operation speed but to reduce the number of keystrokes as much as possible, so if you're confident in your Vim operation, you can give it a try.
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