Chrome to incorporate Google's AI 'Gemini Nano' from version 126 released in June 2024

Google has revealed that it will incorporate the Gemini Nano model directly into its Chrome desktop client. This will enhance features such as '

Help me write ', which allows you to write short text such as product reviews and SNS posts. Implementation will begin in Chrome 126.

Developer Keynote (Google I/O '24) - YouTube

Google is building its Gemini Nano AI model into Chrome on the desktop | TechCrunch

At Google I/O 2024, held on May 14, 2024 local time, Google announced that it will incorporate its smallest AI model, Gemini Nano, directly into the Chrome desktop client starting with Chrome 126.

This allows users to quickly access the generative AI without connecting to Google's servers. The Gemini Nano will enhance features such as 'Help me write,' which is available as a preview program at the time of writing.

Help me write is a feature that allows you to right-click on a text field on a website, call up Help me write, type in a prompt, and have the AI generate a short sentence for you. At the time of writing, it is available as an English-only feature for the United States.

Other features such as translation, subtitling and transcription will also be available on the browser.

John Dahlke, director of product management for Chrome at Google, said that the company is in discussions with vendors to bring Google's AI capabilities to other browsers.

The stable version of Chrome 126 incorporating Gemini Nano is scheduled to be distributed after June 5, 2024.

Gemini Nano will also soon gain multimodal capabilities, allowing it to process multiple pieces of information simultaneously, including text, sound and images.

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