It turns out that the Chinese researcher who first published genetic information about the new coronavirus was ordered to leave the laboratory

It has been revealed that virologist Chang Yong-jin, who was the first to publish the base sequence of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that has wreaked havoc around the world, has had his laboratory closed down.

Chinese virologist who was the first to share COVID genome sleeps on the street after lab shuts

First scientist to publish Covid sequence in China protests over lab 'eviction' | China | The Guardian

Chan, along with University of Sydney virologist Edward Holmes, was the first scientist to publish the SARS-CoV-2 sequence, which is widely recognized around the world as a key factor in enabling the rapid development of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the scientific journal Nature.

Since 2020, Chan has received international acclaim and was named to Nature's 2020 edition of its annual list of people behind key developments in science.

By Zhang Wen/Communication University of Zhejiang

Despite his high profile, Zhang's Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center (SPHCC), where he was affiliated, suddenly closed his lab and ordered him and his entire team to leave.

Zhang posted on Weibo, a popular social networking site in China, 'I was suddenly warned to leave, and security guards came and prohibited me from entering the lab,' expressing concern about the forced measures without prior notice. SPHCC later issued a statement saying, 'The lab in question was one of the labs that needed to be renovated, and we offered Zhang an alternative space.' However, Zhang said that such an offer was made after he had left, and that the alternative lab did not meet the biosafety conditions necessary to store samples containing pathogens, and did not meet Zhang's requirements.

After the lab was closed, Chan held a sit-in protest in front of his former lab. According to Chan, students also joined the protest, laying futons in front of the lab door and staying there all night.

Thanks to the protests and reporting the issue on social media, the issue was resolved just two days after the eviction, and Zhang was able to resume his research activities as usual in his former lab. 'My team members are free to enter and leave the lab for the time being. I would like to thank all the netizens, people from all walks of life, and students who have supported me and my team for so long,' Zhang said .

According to British media The Guardian, Zhang analyzed the base sequence of SARS-CoV-2 in January 2020 and published it without the Chinese government's approval, then warned Chinese authorities about the possibility of the virus spreading, but the next day, the lab was closed by health authorities. Since then, Zhang has been subject to a series of setbacks, demotions and dismissals.

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