Discovery of 'SC27,' an antibody that may be able to protect against all novel coronavirus variants, shedding light on the development of a universal vaccine for COVID-19

Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin and several other universities have reported the discovery of an antibody called SC27 that may be effective against all variants of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and related viruses.
Hybrid immunity to SARS-CoV-2 arises from serological recall of IgG antibodies distinctly imprinted by infection or vaccination - ScienceDirect

An antibody discovered at UT Austin could protect against all COVID variants | TPR
The research team published a new study focusing on how the antibody, called 'SC27,' works in Cell Reports Medicine , an open access journal that publishes cutting-edge research in clinical biomedical science. The research group that published the paper is from the University of Texas at Austin, who has contributed to the development of mRNA vaccines for the new coronavirus.
In the study, blood samples were taken from Austin residents infected with COVID-19 and the antibodies produced in the body of those infected with COVID-19 were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, an antibody called 'SC27' was discovered in the body of one patient. The research team has succeeded in identifying the molecular sequence of this SC27, and claims that it can be replicated and used to treat COVID-19.
'One of the goals of this research is to try to develop a universal vaccine that can generate broadly protective antibodies and generate an immune response against rapidly mutating viruses,' said Will Foss, project leader and a doctoral graduate at the University of Texas at Austin.
Like other antibodies, SC27 works by binding to a part of SARS-CoV-2 called the spike protein, which allows the virus to attach to cells in the human body.
The spike protein typically has a different shape for each variant of SARS-CoV-2, making it difficult for existing vaccines and other treatments to work -- in fact, some early COVID-19 vaccines have proven ineffective against later variants.

However, SC27 has the ability to recognize the differences in spike proteins that differ for each variant of SARS-CoV-2, which could lead to the development of a universal vaccine that is effective against all variants. 'SC27 has the incredible ability to strongly neutralize even the latest variants, so it can fill this void,' said Foss.
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in Science, Posted by logu_ii