'Dungeon 100' play review, where you can strengthen yourself with a variety of card combinations and conquer dungeons with auto-battle

' Dungeon 100 ' is a game in which you repeatedly build a deck, invade a dungeon, and build a deck to strengthen yourself. There are almost no complicated mechanisms, and the key to playing this game is how to efficiently use the effects of cards.
Steam: Dungeon 100

The gameplay of Jigoku 100 is as follows: You create a deck at the shop, go into the dungeon, defeat a certain number of enemies in the dungeon, and then create a deck at the shop again.
'Jijo 100' has four modes: 'Classic Mode,' 'Fast Mode,' 'Challenge Mode,' and 'Versus Mode.'

Classic mode is a mode in which you choose one occupation and aim to clear the stage. You start the game as an 'Adventurer'.

Continue progressing through the dungeon and defeat the boss on the 15th floor to become the boss yourself.

The three characters that can be unlocked after the adventurer are the Wizard, Hunter, and Warlock. The Wizard has one count of the 'magic' type from the start, and the Hunter has one count of the 'nature' type from the start, making it easier to activate certain bond effects.
In the second playthrough, you will battle your 'past self' on floor 15. Your 'past self' will have the same deck as you did the previous time you played, and will appear as a boss with the same stamina as you had after finishing the battle on floor 15.

If you defeat your past self, you will proceed to the 16th floor. After that, if you defeat the boss on the 30th floor, you will become the boss again. In this way, the first person will be the boss on the 15th floor, the second person will be the boss on the 30th floor, and the third person will be the boss on the 45th floor, and each time you go around, you will dive deeper into the dungeon. Since your opponent is your past self, when you are defeated by the boss, you will surely regret making such a strong build. The fun of Earth Dungeon 100 lies in how you can make a new build to defeat the strongest build made by your past self.

Unlike Classic Mode, in Fast Mode all characters are unlocked from the start, and the maximum number of cards you can have is nine.

As shown in the video below, you clear the mode by defeating the enemies attacking from all sides in a small space, and clear the game by completing 30 waves. Since you can equip many cards from the beginning of the game, you can complete your build at an early stage, as the name suggests.
The 'bond effect' of collecting the same type can increase your attack and defense power, so it is essential to match types in order to create a strong build. There are cards like the one below that have two of the same type in one card, so it's a good idea to actively include them.

As soon as you start the game, a tutorial will start. This tutorial contains some very important information, so be sure not to miss it the first time you play. Important information is listed below.

- It costs 3 gold coins to purchase a card, and you can get 1 gold coin by selling the card.
Below is the shop screen of Jigoku 100. The current number of coins you have is displayed in the upper left, and in the center are the four cards offered by the shop.

If you want to equip a card immediately after purchasing it, drag the card from the shop to the area just below. You can only equip up to four cards at the initial state.

If you want to purchase a card and put it in your hand, drag it to your hand.

You can have as many cards in your hand as you want. You can equip cards from your hand, but you can't put equipped cards back into your hand, so you need to think carefully about whether to equip the card you bought or put it in your hand. Also, be careful because gold coins can't be carried over to the next time.

Drag equipment or cards from your hand to the shop to sell them.

Click 'Start Game' to begin a battle with your current deck.

During battle scenes, all movement, attacks, and other combat-related actions are performed automatically, and the player simply observes how the deck they have built is put to use.

Once the battle is over, return to the shop. Your money and the contents of the shop will be reset, so you can purchase new cards.

If you don't like the contents of the shop, you can 'refresh' it by paying one gold coin. If you don't want the contents of the shop to be reset, you can 'freeze' it for free to fix the contents and carry them over to the next time.

・Cards can be combined into groups of three and can be combined up to two times.
If you have a total of three of the same cards in your hand or equipment, they will be forcibly and automatically combined into one enhanced card.

For example, in the case of the 'Fire Shield' below, the effect of '5% of current shield...' will change to '10% of current shield' through synthesis.

・Additional bonus effects will be activated if you add cards with the same bonus to your deck.
Each card has two types. In the case of 'Fire Shield,' these are 'Fire' and 'Nature.' When you equip a certain number of cards of the same type, a 'bond effect' is activated.

For example, the effects of the Flame Bond are as follows: with three cards, 'After a Fire skill hits the target, enemies within range will be dealt area-wide fire damage equal to 20% of the skill damage.' With five cards, 'After a Fire skill hits the target, enemies within range will be dealt area-wide fire damage equal to 45% of the skill damage.' With seven cards, 'After a Fire skill hits the target, enemies within range will be dealt area-wide fire damage equal to 85% of the skill damage.'

In the case of 'Nature', 3 cards will increase HP and shield by 150%, 5 cards will increase by 235%, and 7 cards will increase by 350%. If you collect only cards with the same type, they will become exponentially stronger thanks to the bond effect.

Information about the total types of all equipped cards and which bond effects will be activated is displayed on the left side of the screen.

-Upgrade your shop to get higher level cards
The bar displayed in the top center of the screen is your shop progress. Each time you fight, it increases by 1, and you can spend 4 gold coins to increase the number by 4.

The current shop's grade is 'One Star Shop.'

Pressing 'Upgrade' will increase the progress number by spending 4 gold coins.

The shop has been upgraded to a 'Two Star Shop'. The progress bar has also been updated to '2/16'.

Two-star cards with stronger effects will now be available in the shop, and the maximum amount of money you can carry and the maximum number of cards you can equip will increase by one each.

The order of cards also determines the order in which skills are activated, and when the previous skill goes on cooldown, the next skill is activated, and when a skill is activated, there is a 1 second global cooldown, during which the skill cannot be activated.
The effects of equipped cards will always be activated in order from left to right.

In addition, each card has a 'cooldown' time. For example, the following card has a cooldown time of 15 seconds.

There are also cards with a cooldown of '0 seconds'.

In battle, the leftmost card will be activated first and go on cooldown → the second card will be activated while the leftmost card is on cooldown → the third card will be activated while the second card is on cooldown, etc. In other words, the card on the right cannot be used unless the card on the left goes on cooldown, so for example, if you place a card with a cooldown of '0 seconds' on the far left, the cards on the right will never be activated.

・There are cards that link multiple skills together
No matter how many cards with a cooldown of '0 seconds' you equip, due to the mechanism mentioned above, only one will be active at any time.
However, there are cards that have effects that ignore cooldowns, such as 'When the card on the left is activated, the card on the right is also activated.' One example is the card below called 'Dual Cast.' Dual Cast has the effect of 'When you use the projectile skill on the left, the projectile skill on the right is also used in conjunction.'

If you want to activate Dual Cast effectively, place projectile skill cards on both sides of the Dual Cast.

On the left side of Dual Cast is 'Frostbolt' with 'Spell' and 'Projectile' skills and a 0 second cooldown.

On the right is 'Fireball' with 'Spell' and 'Projectile' skills and a 0 second cooldown.

Both have a cooldown of 0 seconds, so normally only one of them would be activated, but thanks to Dual Cast, if the Frostbolt on the left is activated, the Fireball on the right will also be activated.

-There are cards that change the form of skills
Cards have skills, such as the aforementioned 'projectile,' and each has a specific activation method. For example, a projectile's behavior is 'flying in a straight line from in front of you toward the enemy,' but there are cards that change this behavior.
One example is the 'Orbital' skill below, whose effect is to 'change projectile skills to orbit the player.'

When you equip Orbital, the attacks of cards with projectile skills will always be active, and the projectiles will start circling around you.

The above are the basic specifications of 'Jigoku 100'.
The price of 'Jirou 100' is 1,400 yen including tax. It is on sale on Steam.
Steam: Dungeon 100

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