The official Threads account of the US president has enabled the Fediverse simultaneous posting function and started posting on Mastodon.

Starting from March 22, 2024, Meta's short message posting SNS '

Threads ' will be testing the 'Share on Fediverse ' feature, which allows users to simultaneously post the same post to decentralized SNS platforms such as Mastodon and Misskey. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden's Threads account enabled the simultaneous posting function to Fediverse and started posting simultaneously to Mastodon.

President Biden is now posting into the fediverse - The Verge

Fediverse is an open social network consisting of various servers that are connected to each other and can communicate with each other. Threads is working on support for the protocol '

ActivityPub ' used in Fediverse, and from March 22, 2024, it will be available in Japan, the United States, and Canada with the 'function to simultaneously distribute posts to Threads to other SNS' and ' We are currently testing a feature to check likes from other SNS.

The steps to enable these features in Threads are shown in the article below.

Threads begins beta testing of post sharing function on decentralized SNS such as Mastodon in Japan, America, and Canada - GIGAZINE

The White House opened an official Threads account in November 2023. When explaining the Threads account, a White House spokesperson said, ``Threads will operate in parallel with X.''

President Joe Biden and the White House have finally opened an official Threads account and plan to use it in conjunction with X (formerly Twitter) - GIGAZINE

By enabling the 'Share on Fediverse' feature on President Biden's Threads account, the president's posts can now be viewed on SNS such as Mastodon. However, even if you reply to President Biden's post on Mastodon, it will not reach Threads, so it is unlikely that your reply will be seen.

President Biden's Threads account is below. The label '' is displayed to the right of the username 'potus', indicating that the sharing function on Fediverse is enabled. Click on the label to see your username on Fediverse.

President Biden's username on Fediverse was ' .'

Here's how to view President Biden's posts on Mastodon. First, if you search for the username '' in the search field of the Mastodon home page , President Biden's account will be displayed in the search results. After that, you can view the post by clicking on President Biden's account.

Below is a list of President Biden's posts on Mastodon. I was able to view the same content as Threads.

in Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut