NASA explains what is engraved on the plate mounted on the probe ``Europa Clipper'', which investigates Jupiter's moon Europa

Jupiter's moon

Europa is thought to have an ice-covered ocean, and is attracting attention as the possibility of extraterrestrial life. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which is planning to launch the Europa spacecraft ``Europa Clipper '' in 2024, has revealed the design and engraved contents of the metal plate that will be mounted on Europa Clipper. did.

NASA Unveils Design for Message Heading to Jupiter's Moon Europa

NASA's Design for Message Heading to Jupiter's Moon Europa - YouTube

NASA installed a ' Golden Record ' containing various messages on the Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977.

The Europa Clipper, scheduled to launch in 2024, will also be equipped with metal plates engraved with various messages.

Although Europa is a star covered in ice, it is believed that there is a relatively warm ocean inside, and it is expected that life may exist there.

This is the plate that will be installed on Europa Clipper. It is made of

tantalum, which is relatively chemically stable and has a high melting point, and measures 18 cm x 28 cm. It is triangular with rounded corners and has multiple holes around it.

Europa Clipper is equipped with various electronic equipment for scientific research, and this plate will be used to seal the opening of the hangar to protect electronic equipment from cosmic radiation. The holes around the plate are for mounting into the opening.

One side of the plate is engraved with various corrugations.

This surface is called ``Water Words'', and it is said that the words for ``water'' in 103 languages around the world are engraved as waveforms.

The waveforms radiate out from the central symbol for 'water' in American Sign Language.

The other side of the plate is engraved with portraits, poems, and iconography.

A mathematical formula is engraved on the top.

This is

the Drake Equation , which estimates the number of extraterrestrial civilizations that exist in the galaxy and may come into contact with humans.

It is also engraved with radiation representing the 1420-1662MHz radio frequency band known as the '

Water Hole ' used in radio telescopes. This frequency band is thought to be suitable for interstellar communication, and is also used to search for extraterrestrial life forms.

The portrait engraved on the plate is of

Ronald Glory , one of the founders of planetary science.

Mr. Glory, who passed away in 2011, was a NASA planetary scientist who was involved in various missions and also contributed to the launch of Europa Clipper.

A handwritten poem is also engraved in the center of the plate.

This is a poem called '

In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa' by Ada Limón, who was awarded Poet Laureate by the Library of Congress. This poem connects two worlds, Earth and Europa, both of which have water.

An image of a message bottle is also engraved above the poem. The four rings and dots represent the four satellites orbiting Jupiter.

The plates will also include silicon microchips engraved with the names of more than 2.6 million

applicants from around the world .

'The content and design of Europa Clipper's hangar plate is imbued with meaning,' said Lori Glaze , director of NASA's Planetary Science Division. is a combination of the best that the universe has to offer.The message of connection through water, which is essential for all life forms, is connected to the mysterious ocean world we are about to explore (the ocean inside Europa). It perfectly illustrates the interconnectedness of our planet.”

Once assembled at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, Europa Clipper will be transported to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for launch, scheduled for October 2024.

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