Discord's revenue has quadrupled since 2020 to exceed $600 million, the number of monthly active users exceeds 200 million, and IPO is in sight

The economic newspaper Bloomberg reports that the revenue of the online video chat tool ``
Discord to Offer Rewards for Gamers as App Seeks Profit in 2024 - Bloomberg

According to Bloomberg, Discord has exploded in popularity during the new coronavirus pandemic, with the number of monthly active users exceeding 200 million at the time of writing. Revenue has quadrupled since 2020, reaching more than $600 million annually.
``At some point, we'll probably go public,'' Discord CEO Jason Citron told Bloomberg, hinting that the company is considering an initial public offering (IPO).
Discord has rejected an acquisition from Microsoft for $12 billion (about 1.8 trillion yen) in 2021, but has since raised capital of $1 billion (about 150 billion yen), and at the time of writing the article, it has raised 700 million dollars. It is said that it holds cash of US dollars (approximately 105 billion yen). In January 2024, 170 people, or 17% of all employees, were dismissed, and CEO Citron explained that ``the company was growing too quickly.''
Discord lays off 170 people, 17% of all employees - GIGAZINE

Discord also announced that its in-app store , launched in November 2023, will feature official game-themed items.
Our Quest to Support Game Developers on Discord

Discord hosts 1.5 billion hours of gameplay on over 60,000 titles every month. However, as players have more options, it also means that game developers have fewer opportunities to turn their ideas into successful businesses.
'We've worked hard with developers to create a way to bring themed profile effects and avatar cosmetics to the store,' Discord said. 'We're sharing this revenue with developers so they can use Discord to , it's more important than ever that we help them monetize their incredible creativity.'
Please note that at the time of writing the article, it is not clear which title related items will be handled in the store.
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• Discord | 'Is the number of Discord users increasing around you? What are they using it for?' | GIGAZINE
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in Software, Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk