Google explains the phenomenon in which the 'News' tab disappears from Google search results

We've noticed that the 'News' tab that filters Google search results is not visible for some users. Google said it was a 'test to understand user preferences' and explained that it has no plans to completely remove the News tab.
Google tests removing the News tab from search results | Nieman Journalism Lab

Google Search not removing 'News' filter
When you do a Google search, tabs such as 'Images,' 'Videos,' 'News,' and 'Shopping' appear at the top of the page. Click on these to filter according to the tab and display only images and news related to your search term.
Basically, images and news are usually displayed side by side, but we have known that the news tab is no longer displayed for some users.
According to reports, the displayed tabs are completely shuffled, the order of the tabs is out of order, and sometimes the news tab is deleted.

In particular, the 'News' tab is an important filter for news media to guide people to their own sites, and some people expressed concern over the suspicion that the tab had been deleted.
On February 24, 2024, Google explained that the issue was a test. 'News filters are currently available and we have no plans to remove them. To better understand user preferences, we are testing different ways to display filters in search and As a result, some users were temporarily unable to access some filters.'
In addition to the above, Google is also conducting

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