Twitter's "favorite (Favor)" is expected to be changed to "Like"

On Twitter, the function to register tweets as "Favorites (Favorites)" is implemented, but this function is expected to be changed to "Like" as if it were like Facebook "Like" Has become clear.

Twitter to change favoriting tweets to 'Like' soon

Overseas news mediaNeowinAccording to information obtained from reliable sources, Twitter is planning to change the favorite function to "Like" soon.

In addition, Neowin actually publishes a screen shot of the Twitter screen whose "favorite" has been changed to "Like" notation. In the screenshot below, there is a display like "Like" above the star icon indicating "favorite" function, but at this time it is unclear whether this star icon will be used even after renaming Thing. However, the sources said they commented that they probably will not change icons.

Because the "favorite" function is a function for users to stock their favorite tweets, in order to make it easier to understand what Twitter features, Twitter will change its name, and Neowin.

In addition, Neowin has obtained a screenshot showing that the name of the "favorite" function will be changed, and the following image details the change.

It is unclear when the name change will be made.

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii